tax rate 税率
tax year 纳税年度
tax exemption threshold 起征点
nine-bracket system 九级征税级别
public sentiment 公众意见
National Peoples Congress Standing Committee 全国人大常委
tax burdens 课税负担
individual income tax law 个人所得税法
State Administration of Taxation 国家税务总局
distribution of income 收入分配
first reading 初审
taxpayer 纳税人
draft amendment 修改草案
medium and low-income population 中低收入人群
progressive taxing mechanism 累进税制
downsizing tax brackets 减少税级
tax revenue 税收
take-home pay 实得工资
gross income 全额工资
taxable income 应纳税所得额
quick calculation deduction 速算扣除数
tax withheld 扣缴税额
business tax 营业税
income tax for enterprises 企业所得税
tax avoidance 避税
tax evasion 逃税
withhold and remit tax 代扣代缴
remuneration for personal service 劳务报酬
tax preference 税收优惠
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