School in favour of the doctrine of warm diseases 温病学派
School of febrile diseases by cold injury 伤寒学派
Scrofula 瘰疬
Sighing 太息
Smallpox 天花
Somnolence 多寐
Sore 疮
Spleen Qi deficiency 脾气虚
Spleen Yang deficiency 脾阳虚
Spleen Yin deficiency 脾阴虚
Spontaneous sweating 自汗
Stranguria 小便涩痛
Stomach cold 胃寒
Stomach heat 胃热
Strengthening healthy energy 扶正
Striae 腠理
Stringy pulse 弦脉
Sunstroke 中暑
Tenesmus 里急后重
Tonifying deficiency 虚则补之
Tonifying kidney and holding Qi 补肾纳气
Tonifying Qi and spleen 益气健脾
Treating excess with purgation 实则泻之
Treatment with syndrome differentiation 辨证论治
Twenty-eight pulses 二十八脉
Ulcer 溃疡
Urinal incontinence 小便失禁
Uterus 女子胞
Vitaport 命门
Whitish fur 白苔
Whooping cough 百日咳
Yellowish fur 黄苔
Ying and Yang in balance 阴平阳秘