high-level military exchanges 高级别军事交流
armed forces 陆海空三军/武装力量
military/military-to-military ties 两军关系
reduce misunderstanding and miscalculation 减少误解和误判
resolve disagreements 消除分歧
military hardware development 武器装备发展
fence-mending visit 修好访问
Peoples Liberation Army 中国人民解放军
Second Artillery Corps of the Peoples Liberation Army 解放军第二炮兵部队
arms sales 军售
mutual trust 互信
national defense policy 国防政策
Asia-Pacific strategy 亚太地区战略
hegemony 霸权
military expansion 军事扩张
arms race 军备竞赛
military confrontation 军事对抗
joint communique 联合公报
in the spirit of respect, mutual trust, equality and reciprocity 本着尊重、互信、对等、互惠的原则
safeguard Chinas national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity 维护国家主权、安全和领土完整
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