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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. Attandances at basketball matches have____ since the coming of television.

  A dropped in B dropped down C dropped off D dropped out

  2. The meeting_____ at midnight and we all went home.

  A broke through B stopped off C stopped up D broke up

  3. How long did it take you to realize he was dishonest? I ___ from the start.

  A looked him through B saw through him

  C look forward to him D saw him through

  4.In the coming term she will ____ the advanced class.

  A take advantage of B take an account of

  C take charge of D take care of

  5. The clouds have_______ the sun.

  A blocked in B blocked off C blocked out D blocked up


  1-5 CDBCC

  1.drop off减少, drop down卧倒 ,drop out 排出,掉出

  2.break up结束,break through突破,stop up=stay up, stop off中途下车

  3. see through sb 看穿某人, see sb through帮助某人度过难关

  4.take charge of掌管,负责, take an account of 把列表,take advantage of sb欺骗某人

  5. block out封闭,block in填塞, 堵塞, block off阻断,堵塞

  1.The boy was ______ the charge of stealing.

  A. cleared of B. clear away C cleaned of D cleaned out

  2. We are considering ___ the production process.

  A. recognize B. recognized C recognizing D to recognize

  3. Rather than ___ me, he simply got up early to wash the clothes himself.

  A. disturb Bdisturbing C to disturb D disturbed

  4. Youll have to be strict with your students. They quickly get_________.

  A. on hand B out of hand C off hand D by hand

  5. He inquired______ her husbands health in her letter.

  A. after B into C for D about



  1. 选A.clear of证实(某人在某方面)无罪,常用于被动语态.

  clear away消除(某事物)或(云)消失

  clean of洗去污垢

  clean out清扫,打扫干净

  2.选C. consider作考虑后面的动词常为动名词形式.

  3.选A. rather than用于平行结构中与两个形容词,两个状语词组,两个名词或代词,两个不定式或ing形式连用.在此句中,它连接两个不定式.

  4.选B out of hand无法控制

  on hand手头上现有

  off hand立刻

  by hand 手工做的

  5. 选A inquire after 问起(某人的)健康

  inquire about 询问

  inquire into 调查,查问

  inquire for 询问(商品),地点


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