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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.We tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible, but they seemed to__1__sincerity.

  A lack of B be lack of C lack in D be lacking in

  2.When the Victorians had family reunions, the hosts went __2__their way to entertain the guests.

  A in for B over C out of D back on

  3.The motorist had to __3__to avoid knocking the old woman down in the middle of the road.

  A swerve B twist C depart D swing

  4.As the director cant come to the reception, Im representing the company__4__.

  A on his account B on his behalf C for his part D in his interest

  5.Fat cannot change into muscle__5__muscle changes into fat.

  A any more than B no more than C no less than D much more than

  答案:1-5 DCABA

  1.选D,这里是固定搭配be lacking in,表示缺乏(某种品质,特点等),不够。这里的lacking 是形容词,表欠缺,缺

  2.选C。 go out of ones way表示故意,go in for表示喜欢上,go over浏览go back on支持

  3.选A swerve表突然转向,转弯=dodge,turn;depart表示启程,离开,辞世Nothing that was worthy in the past departs. Swing(使)来回摆动,摇摆,旋转 A pendulum swings.

  4.选B on ones behalf 代表某人 I requested that he use his influence on my behalf. 而for ones part至于某人,对某人来说 The physician dismissed the matter as worthy of no further discussion on his part. 而in ones interest= in the interest of sb为了的利益The Prime Minster resigned for the interest of the state.

  5.选A 因为固定搭配 A not any more than B表正如A不能B也不能= A no more than B。



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