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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. Many artists predict that this brilliant young actor __ to be a shinning star.

  A destines B will be destined C is destined D has been destined

  2. His companions have threatened to __ his crime to the police.

  A impose B express C enclose D expose

  3. The patients progress was very encouraging as he could __ get out of bed without help.

  A nearly B hardly C merely D barely

  4. You must insist that students give a truthful answer__ with the reality of their world.

  A relevant B simultaneous C consistent D practical

  5. We have made great achievements, but it does not__ that there are no shortcomings.

  A result in B lead to C follow D cause

  答案:1-5 CDDCC

  1. 选C be destined to sth 命定,注定The enemys attempt is destined to fail

  2. 选D. expose揭露,暴露,后常跟介词to。Dont expose it to the sun.而impose on/ upon 把强加于Dont try to impose your wishes on us. Enclose

  3. 选D. barely勉强,好不容易才,表示肯定意义They have barely enough time to catch the train.

  4. 选C consistent一致的,连贯的,始终如一的 His actions are always consistent with his words. 而simultaneous同时发生的,同时的Simultaneous interpretation in the United States is a demanding job.

  5. 选C It follows that 由此而得出结论 He often gets high scores in exams, but it doesnt follow that he is clever.



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