Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部
rainstorm warning system 暴雨警戒系统
disaster areas 受灾地区
flood-hit population 受灾人口
evacuate 疏散
direct economic loss 直接经济损失
rescue boats 救生艇
stranded residents 受困居民
temporary tents 临时帐篷
settlements 临时居住点
sandbag 沙袋
plug the breach 封堵决堤口
inundate crops 淹没农田
worst hit 最严重受灾地区
low-lying areas 低洼地区
landslides 山崩/滑坡
emergency alert level 紧急警戒级别
emergency materials 紧急援助物资
inflatable boats 充气艇
rubber boats 橡皮艇
fuel barrels 燃料桶
life vests 救生衣
warning mark 警戒标志