A: How do I get to your house?
B: Pass the monastery on the other side of the town and my house is the first on the right.
n. 修道院,寺院
A: What do you think of the new monetary union in Europe?
B: Oh, I think that it will be good for trade.
a. 钱的,货币的,金融的
A: I met a monk on my travels.
B: Oh, did you visit a monastery?
n. 修道士,僧侣
A: The play was excellent.
B: I agree, especially the long monologue performed by the main actress.
n. 1.(别人简直无法插嘴的)滔滔不绝的话;2.(戏剧,电影等中的)独白
A: Mr. Dalton has somewhat of a monopoly in the town.
B: Yes, he owns of the shops and restaurants.
n. 1.垄断,专卖;2.垄断物,垄断商品,专卖商品;3.独占,完全控制
A: Do you enjoy your work?
B: No, it is monotonous .
a. 单调无聊的,毫无变化的
A: There are monsters under my bed, Mum.
B: Don t be silly, how would they fit?
n. 1.怪物;2.极其残酷的人;3.巨人,巨兽,巨大的东西
a. 巨大的,庞大的
A: I split some water on the carpet
B: Don t worry, I ll mop it up later.
n. 1.拖把;2.蓬乱的头发
v. 1.用拖把拖洗;2.擦干
mop up 1.(用布等)擦去;2.扫荡,肃清;3.完成,结束
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