A: Please do not hurl the rubbish across the room, children.
B: Sorry Miss, we won t do it again.
vt. 1.猛投,力掷;2.大声叫骂
A: The winds were so strong that I thought it was a hurricane.
B: Was there any damage done?
n. 飓风
A: I hushed the children up.
B: Good, they were making too much noise.
v. (使)安静下来
n. 安静,寂静
bush up 防止...张扬出去,掩盖
A: Do you like going into the city on the train?
B: No, there is too much noise and hustle.
vt. 1.推搡,猛推;2.竭力兜售或获取
vi. 1.竭力兜售或获取;2.催促,催赶
n. 忙碌,奔忙
A: Universities are how hybrids of the academic and the business worlds.
B: I agree, and unfortunately the students often get neglected.
n. 1.杂交生成的生物体,杂交植物(或动物);2.混合物,合成物
A: His hygiene standards are terrible.
B: Yeah, I don t think that he has the chance to wash very often.
n. 卫生,保健学
A: We will sing the hymn on page 100 of your books today.
B: Oh, but we sang that one last week.
n. 赞美诗,圣歌,颂歌
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