A: I have eaten so much.
B: But it is your birthday, you are allowed to indulge once a year!
vt. 1.使(自己)沉溺于,满足(自己的欲望等);2.纵容,迁就
vi. 沉溺,纵容自己,肆意从事
A: There was a feeling of inertia and inactivity when I entered the room.
B: That is because every one was sleeping!
vt. 1.不活动,惰性;2.惯性
A: Johannesburg in South Africa has an infamous reputation.
B: Yes, I have heard that there is very high crime rate.
a. 1.声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的;2.邪恶的,无耻的
A: The infantry fired several shots into the air.
B: I hope it was just as a warning to the enemy.
n. [总称]步兵(部队)
A: Doctor, I have a terrible cough.
B: I m afraid that you have a serious chest infection.
n. 1.传染病;2.传染,传播,感染
A: Is my disease infectious, Doctor?
B: No, you can not pass it on to others, but you still need to be careful.
a. 1.传染的,有传染性的;2.有感染力的
A: Can you help me inflate this balloon?
B: I m not sure if I have enough air in my lungs for that!
vt. 1.使充气,使膨胀;2.使得意,使骄傲;3.抬高(物价),使(通货)膨胀
A: Why are you a vegetarian?
B: I don t want to inflict harm on animals.
vt. 把...强加给,使遭受,使承担
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