831, valve n.阀,阀门;电子管
The exhaust valve on my car has burnt out.
The heart has valves to let blood flow in and out of it.
832, vegetation n. 植物,草木
833, veil n.面纱,面罩;遮蔽物
She dropped her veil. 她摘下面纱。
vt. 用面纱遮盖
Please veil your face. 请用面纱遮住脸。
834, vein n.静脉,血管,矿脉
835, vent n. 排放口,通风口 vt. 发泄,表达
n. 孔、口
The floods found a vent through the dikes.
836, ventilate vt.使通风,使换气
We ventilate a room by opening windows.
公开; 公开讨论
The matter should not be hushed up, but freely ventilated.这事不应掩盖起来, 而应该公开自由讨论。
837, verbal a. 言辞的,文字的,口头的,,动词的
n. 非谓语动词; 非限定动词
Fill in the blanks with verbals.
838, verdict n. 裁决,结论,定论,判断
After listening to the testimony, the members of the jury delivered their verdict.
听取证词后, 陪审团的成员们做出了判决。
决定, 意见
839, verge n.边缘,边界,界限
She was on the verge of bursting into tears.
840, versatile a.多方面的;通用的
adj. 有多种学问、技能或职业的; 多才多艺的
A versatile person is often good at a number of different things. 多才多艺的人通常擅长许多种不同的事情。
多用途的, 多功能的
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