441, penalty n.处罚,刑罚;罚款
If you knock the ball with your hand in football, you will suffer a penalty.
如果在踢足球时你用手碰到球, 你将受到处罚。
不利后果, 损失
One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you in the street.
442, pendulum n.摆
The ball which hung the roof is compound pendulum.
443, pension n.抚恤金,年金
n. 退休金, 养老金
She went to the company to draw her pension.
vt. 发给 养老金
444, perception n.感觉;概念;理解力
He was a man of keen perception.
认识, 观念, 看法
Whats your perception of the matter?
445, perfection n.尽善尽美;无比精确
n. 完美; 完善
His performance was sheer perfection.
446, perfume n.香味,芳香;香料
n. 香气, 芳香;香水
This kind of perfume is made in England.
vt.使充满香气; 喷香水于
447, periodic n.周期的;一定时期的
adj. 周期的; 定期的, 定期发生的
Long long ago, we knew the periodic motion of a planet.
很久以前, 我们就知道行星的周期运动。
448, periodical n.期刊,杂志
They have already put out a new periodical.
449, perish vi.死亡,夭折;枯萎
Hundreds of sheep perished that year because of drought.那年由于干旱, 几百头羊突然死去。
损坏, 腐烂
Continuous washing has perished the rubber.
450, permeate vt. 弥漫,渗透,充满 vi. 透入
vt. vi. 弥漫, 遍布, 散布
The banquet was permeated with an atmosphere of friendship. 宴会洋溢着友好的气氛。
渗入, 渗透
Water will permeate blotting paper. 水能渗透吸水纸。
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