vi. 猛然弓背跃起
buck up 振奋,打起精神
A: I like your new shoes.
B: Thanks, but the buckles are too stiff at the moment.
A: What happed to your bicycle?
B: The wheel buckled when I hit a stone in the middle of the road.
v. 1.用搭扣扣紧; 2.变形,弯曲
n. 搭扣,扣环
buckle down 倾全力,开始认真从事
A: I am looking forward to the spring when the flowers will come into bud.
B: Me too, it has been a long winter.
n. 叶芽,花蕾
vi. 发芽,萌芽
A: Do you think that the Buddhist way of life is the best?
B: I am not quite sure yet, I still need to think about it.
n. 佛教徒
a. 佛教的
A: Have you ever seen a buffalo?
B: No, but I would like to.
n. 水牛,野牛
A: He used his pillow as a buffer against the noise.
B: Why, did he have difficulty sleeping?
A: The mirror needs a polish.
B: But I don t have anything to buffer it with.
n. 1.起缓冲作用的人; 2.缓冲器,减震器
vt. 缓冲,减轻
A: Will there be any food at the party?
B: I heard that the hosts are providing a buffet.
n. 1.饮食柜台,餐车
vt. 反复敲打,连续猛击
A: There is a bug crawling over foot, watch out.
B: You could have warned me soon, I hate insects in any shape or form.
A: Go away, you are bugging me.
B: Please, I just have one more question.
n. 1.虫子;2.小病,故障,缺陷; 3.窃听器
vt.1.烦扰,纠缠;2.在 装窃听器
A: I have bulges in all the wrong places.
B: Stop worrying about your weight, I think you are beautiful.
A: Your bag is bulging, what have you got in it?
B: Far too much, it is too heavy.
n. 膨胀,肿胀
vi. 1.膨胀,凸出,鼓起;2.塞满,装满
A: Be careful, there is a bull in that field over there.
B: Oh, I am not afraid of him.
n. 1.公牛,雄兽; 2.买进证券投机图利者, 看涨的人
A: Did you receive the bulletin I sent you?
B: No, but I did not check my post today.
n. 1.简明资讯,最新消息; 2.公告,布告,公报; 3.学报,期刊
A: Were you ever bullied in school?
B: Just once, but the teacher found out and put a quick stop to it.
n. 恃强欺弱者
A: I must buy Time this week, there will be a bumper issue.
B: It must be larger on account of the new year.
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