Captive a.被俘虏的,被捕获的 n.俘虏
Lying in my hospital bed,I was a captive audience to these uninteresting old stories.躺在医院里的病床上,我只好听那些乏味的旧故事.
Catholic a.天主教的; 普通的,广泛的 n.天主教徒
Most non-Christians find it hard to under- stand why a Catholic isnt a Protestant.非基督徒很难理解天主教徒与基督教徒有什么不同.
Commend vt.表扬,称赞;推荐
We should commend good people and good deeds.我们应当表扬好人好事.
Deem vt.认为,视为
Murdock deemed it was time for a change,so he quit the Time- Warner Corporation.默多克觉得是换换环境的时候了,于是辞职离开了时代-华纳公司.
Doom n.厄运,劫数 vt.注定,命定
With its natural habitat shringking day by day,the species is doomed to extinction. 随着它的栖息地日益萎缩,这个物种命中注定要灭绝.
Drought n.干旱,旱灾
When a drought wrecks havoc,millions of people are compelled to run for life.当旱灾肆虐的时候,数百万的人被迫将流离失所.
Endeavor n.努力,尽力,尝试
Sweden has failed in its endeavor to rank among the world powers in table tennis.瑞典本想在世界乒乓球强国中占有一席之地,但是失败了.
Endow vt.资助,捐赠,向 捐钱 给予,赋予,认为具有某种特质
Great musicians like Mozart and Beethoven certainly were endowed with musical talent.像莫扎特,贝多芬一类的伟大音乐家确实具有音乐天赋.
Feminine a.女性的,女子的;女子气的
Michael Jackson has a feminine face after the face-lifting.整容后,迈克尔.杰克逊有着一张女性气质的脸.
Formulate vt.构想出;系统地阐述
His idea of setting up this corporation was formulated over coffee.喝咖啡的时候,设立该公司的想法形成了.
Gossip n.流言蜚语;爱说长道短的人; vi.传播流言蜚语,说长道短
It is ridiculous that here newspapers are read mainly for their gossip columns.真滑稽,这里的人们读报主要是冲着闲话栏目而去
Heritage n.遗产,继承物,传统
Every generation has the duty to pass down heritage of knowledge from the past.每一代人都有责任把过去继承的知识传下去.
imperative a.必要的,紧急的,极重要的;命令的 n.必要的事必须完成的事;祈使语气
It is absolutely imperative that the whole international community works together to stop polluting the earth.国际社会共同行动,制止环境污染是极为必要的.