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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Embed vt.把钳入,扎牢

  Hegemonism has been embedded in the mind of some American politicians.霸权主义思想已深深印入某些美国政客的脑海.

  federation n.联合会;联邦

  The United States is a federation of fifty individual states.美国是由50个州组成的联邦.

  Finite a.有限的,限定的

  We must save energy because the natural resources of the earth are finite.我们必须节约能源,因为地球的自然资源是有限的.

  hitherto ad.到目前为止;迄今

  The missing Chinese pilot,Wang Wei,has not been found hitherto.到目前为止失踪的中国飞行员王伟还没有找到.

  Implicit a.含蓄的;无疑问的;固有的

  The leader has implicit trust in his secretary.领导对自己的秘书绝对信任.

  inaugurate vt.开始;为 举行就职典礼

  American presidents are always inaugurated on January 20th.美国总统总是在元月20日宣誓就职的.

  Incidence n.发生率

  It is reported that the incidence of illiteracy of China is noticeably decreasing.据报道,中国文盲率正在显著下降.

  Marginal a.微小的,不重要的;记在页边的

  Students should develop a habit of making marginal notes while reading.学生应养成阅读时在书的页边上做笔记的习惯.

  nonetheless ad.尽管如此,依然

  The main stream of the worlds situation is peace nonetheless local conflicts never stop.尽管世界形势的主流是和平,但是地区冲突从来就没有停止过.

  plausible a.似乎合理的;似乎可能的

  The American intervention in the Balkan affairs seems plausible,but it is a typical American hegemonic behavior.美国对巴尔干事务的干涉貌似有理,其实是典型的美国式霸权主义行径.

  Poke vt.捅,戳;伸出 vi.伸出,突出; n.戳,捅

  Passengers are not allowed to poke their heads out of the windows when the bus is moving.公共汽车开动时乘客不要将头伸出窗外.

  pore n.毛孔,细孔 vi.仔细阅读,审视

  When signing a contract you should pore over every clause in case you are fooled.签合同前应仔细审读合同的每一条款,以防万一上当受骗.

  Referee n.裁判员;仲裁员 v.当裁判

  In a football match one referee and two linesmen shall be appointed to officiate in each game.足球比赛中,每场比赛任命一名裁判员、两名巡边员执行裁判任务.

  Shaft n.柄,杆;轴;束

  The shaft of an arrow is made of alloy material.箭杆是用合金材料制作的.



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