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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  harassment n.骚扰;烦恼

  There have been quite a lot of cases of sexual harassment against women in the American navy.美国海军中已发生过多起针对女性的性骚扰事件.

  Integral a.必不可少的,必需的

  Practice is an integral part of language learning.练习是语言学习必不可少的一部分.

  Steel is an integral part of a modern skyscraper.钢铁是现代摩天大厦的主干.

  irrespective a.不考虑的,不顾及的

  Irrespective of where you decide to turn to for help and support,it is important that you do not delay.不管你决定从哪里得到帮助和支持,重要的是你不能耽误.

  identification n.身份证明;鉴定,认出

  Do you have any identification?你有什么能证明你身份的证件吗?

  The identification of the fingerprints was quickly done.指纹的鉴定很快就完成了.

  Momentu n.动力,冲动,势头

  A falling object gains momentum as it falls.下落的物体下落时动量增加.

  Mortal a.致命的,终有一死的

  It is an indisputable fact that man is mortal.人都会死,这是无可争辩的事实.

  Narrative n.故事,记叙文;叙述

  The astronaut gave a narrative of her strange experience in space.宇航员叙述了自己在太空的奇妙经验.

  Overt a.公开的,不隐蔽的

  Most British people are disgusted with the overt love relationship between Prince Charles and Camilla.大多数英国人对查尔斯王子和卡米拉公开的情人关系感到反感.

  We should learn to fight with the enemy in an overt and covert way.我们应学会同敌人作公开的和隐蔽的斗争.

  Parameter n.参数

  X+2Y=7 is an equation which has 2 parameters.X+2Y=7 是一个含有2个参数的方程式.

  Partition n.分隔物,隔墙;分隔

  Now in most offices there are partitions between desks,so people do have some privacy.现在大多数办公室内的办公桌均有隔离物隔开,这样人们的确有点隐秘感.

  Redundant a.多余的,过剩的

  Many jobs and labor workers are made redundant by automation.自动化使许多工种和劳动力变得多余.

  Recur vi.再发生,重现

  The noble qualities and deeds of Kong Fansen often recur to me.孔繁森的崇高品质和事迹经常在我脑海里再现.

  Sacred a.神圣的,宗教的

  Ingla Gandhi considered it a sacred duty to fulfill her dead fathers wishes.英杰拉.甘地认为完成她已故父亲的遗愿是她神圣的职责.

  Salute n.敬礼,致意 vt.向 敬礼,向 致敬;赞扬,颂扬

  It is a universal custom for a solider to salute his officer in the army.士兵向军官行军礼,在军队里这是一种普遍的习惯.



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