Hug vi.拥抱;紧抱,怀抱 vt.互相拥抱,抱紧在一起 n.紧抱;互相拥抱
Seeing her son safe and sound after the accident,the mother bugged him tightly.眼见儿子在事故后平安无恙,母亲紧紧拥抱着儿子.
Inland a.内地的,内陆的 ad.在内地,向内地
Brazil moved its capital inland to Brasilia
in order to develop its economy around the new capital.巴西把首都内迁到巴西利亚以发展新都一带的经济.
Limp a.松软的,无生气的,无精神的;软的,松沓的vi.一瘸一拐地走 n.跛行
Injured when trying to get the ball,that footballer limped off the football field.争球的时候受了伤,那个足球队员一瘸一拐地走出足球场.
Meadow n.草地
The cattle are grazing in the meadow.牛养在草场上吃草.
Monster n.怪物;巨人,巨大的东西;极其残酷的人 a.巨大的,庞大的
Frankenstein is a monster created by Mary Shelley,A laboratory creature that brought near-disaster.弗兰肯斯坦是玛丽.雪莱塑造的产自实验室的怪物差点带来灾难.
Motel n.汽车旅馆
In the U.S. people driving over long distance like to spend their nights in motels because their cars can be serviced there.在美国,长途驱车的人喜欢在汽车旅馆过夜,因为他们的车可以得到检修.
Novelty n.新奇事物;新奇,新奇感,新奇性;新颖小巧而廉价的物品
Cars were a novelty in 1900 but now hundreds of millions of people drive them every day.在1900年,汽车是个新奇的玩意,但时至今日,每天上亿人开着车.
Outbreak n.爆发,的突然发生
The outbreak of the Great Depression in the 1930s shocked everyone because there was no sign of it whatsoever. 20世纪30年代 大萧条 的爆发让所有的人震惊不已,因 为在那之前似乎毫无迹象。
presume vt.推测,假定,相信;认定,推定冒昧,擅 vi.擅自行事
I presume from your pronunciation and intonation that you are a foreigner.按你说话的语音语调,我推测你是个外国人.
If a person is missing for 7 years he is presumed dead.假如一个人失踪7年,即作已经亡论.
Reclaim vt.要回;开垦;回收
A legend goes that Holland reclaims more land from the sea than its original size.传说荷兰填海造地获得的土地面积比它原来的国土面积还大.
resemblance n.相似,形似
Twins often show great resemblance.孪生儿常显示出酷似的相貌.
Scar n.伤疤,伤痕; 创伤 v.留下伤痕
A long scar across his cheek makes him look fiendish, but he is very good-natured.他棉颊上的长疤令他看起来很凶恶的样子,但是他却很善良.
Skeleton n.骨骼,框架,骨干;梗概,提要
This is just the skeleton of the plan. The details will come later.这只是计划的梗概.细节稍后才出来.
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