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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  pendulum n.钟摆;摇摆不定的事态或局面.

  The pendulum of the Big Ben above the British Parliament House has to be cleaned every year.英国国会大厦上的大本钟的钟摆得每年清洗.

  Qualify v.胜任,具有资格,合格

  Youngsters are qualified to vote when they are 18 years old. Do you qualify for the vote?年轻人18岁时就有资格投票.你有投票资格吗?

  Rating n.等级,评定结果;收视率,收听率

  The critics rating of the film A Beautiful Mind is high.评论家们对电影《美丽 心灵》的评价很高.

  recipient a.接受者,收听者

  The postman spent almost a whole day looking for the recipient of the letter, but up till now he has not found him yet.邮递员几乎花了整整一天时间寻找该信的收信人,但到现在还没有找到他.

  Saturate vt.使浸透,湿透;使充满,使饱和

  It is estimated that TV sets and fridges have been saturated in the China market.据估计中国市场上的电视机和冰箱已经饱和.

  Scent n.香味,气味;踪迹;香水 vt.嗅到,察觉

  Scents of lavender and rosemary can relieve tension.熏衣草和迷迭香的香味可以减缓精神紧张.

  Segregate vt.使隔离,使分开

  Some societies still segregate men and women.有的社会仍然将男女隔离.

  Suite n.套间;一套家具

  The former American president Ronald Reagan stayed in the president suite of the Guangzhou White Swan Hotel for 2 nights when he visited China.美国前总统里根曾在访问中国期间在广州白天鹅宾馆的总统套间里住过两个晚上.

  Terrain n.地形,地势

  Nearly 90% of the area of Guizhou Province is mountain terrain.贵州省近90%的地区是山行地形.

  undermine vt.暗中破坏,削弱;侵蚀 的基础

  Smoking and overdrinking undermines our health.抽烟和过度喝酒有损健康.

  vegetation n.植物,草木

  Much of the northweatern vegetation has been damaged by overgrazing.西北地区大多数天然植被已被过度放牧破坏.



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