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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Shepherd n.牧羊人 vt.带领,引领

  The passengers were shepherded across the tarmac to the airliner.旅客们被引导走过跑道上飞机.

  Shuttle n.织机的梭子;航天飞机 vi.穿梭般来回; vt.短程穿梭运动

  With a modern transportation network between Guangzhou and Shenzhen, trains and buses and lorries shuttle passengers and goods across the two cities.广州与深圳间建有现代化交通网络,火车、大巴和卡车穿梭于两市运送乘客和货物.

  thereafter ad.之后,以后

  In dialing a local call,the first three minutes will cost you 0.5 yuan,thereafter,each minute will cost 0.1 yuan.打市内电话头三分钟0.5元,以后每分钟为0.1元.

  thrill n.兴奋,激动 v.非常高兴或激动

  Its really a pity that the Chinese football team has never thrilled the fans these years.真是令人遗憾,中国足球队近年来从未让球迷兴奋过.

  Update vt.更新,使现代化 n.最新信息

  We have to update the English textbooks, because they are too obsolete to students.我们必须更新英语教材,因为它们太过时了,不能满足学生的要求.

  Velocity n.速度,速率

  A bullet goes from the gun with a velocity of 3000 feet a second.子弹以每秒3000英尺的速度从枪里射出.

  Wedge n.楔子,三角木 vt.用楔子抵住,挤进;楔入

  The people wedged me into the corner when the movie was over.电影结束时人们把我挤到角落里.

  Alleviate vt.减轻,缓和

  Chinese medical researchers have successfully developed a new medicine to alleviate the cancer patients suffering.中国医学研究人员已成功地研制出一种新药, 来缓解癌症病人痛苦.

  Bonus n.奖金,红利

  To some degree bonus is an effective way to motivate the workers.在某种程度上来说,奖金是调动工作积极性的一种有效方法.

  coherent a.条理清楚的,连贯的;一致的

  We should try to be as coherent as possible whenever we speak or write in English.无论何时我们用英语说话或写作时,都应该尽可能地做到条理清楚.

  collaboration n.合作,协作;勾结

  Football is a collective game. Members of a team have to work in close collaboration in order to win a match.足球是集体项目.要赢得比赛,队员就必须紧密配合.

  Comet n.彗星

  Newly discovered comets are now named after the famous figures proposed by the discoverers.新发现的彗星是以其发现者的所推荐的名人的名字来命名的.

  differentiate vi.区分 vt.区别,使不同

  Men are differntiated from animals in than men can communicate with each other by language.人与动物的区别在于人能够用语言进行交际.

  Dilute ;vt.稀释,冲淡 a.稀释的,冲淡的

  Water can dilute all kinds of chemical liquids.水可以稀释各种液体化合物.

  The nurse diluted the drug with saline water.护士用生理盐水加以稀释.



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