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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Recycle vt.回收利用

  In Los Angeles alone, millions of pounds of paper are discarded or burned daily rather than saved for recycling.仅仅在洛杉矶,每天都有数百万磅的纸张被扔下或烧掉而不是留着再次利用.

  Serial n.连续剧,连载故事 a.连续的,顺序排列的

  Jing Yongs Kongfu novels have appeared as serial novels in newspapers.金庸的武侠小说以连载小说的形式出现在报纸上.

  Affiliate vt.使隶属于 n.附属机构,分公司

  The Radcliffe College is affiliated with Harvard University. Radcliffe学院附属于哈佛大学.

  The Harvard faculty provides all instructions,and Radcliffe graduates receive Harvard degrees.哈佛教师任所有课程,毕业生获哈佛授予的学位.

  Aggravate vt.加重,使恶化;激怒,使恼火

  The recent Israeli bombing to Palestine Headquarters aggravated the tension in the Middle East.最近以色列对巴基斯坦总部的轰炸加剧了中东的紧张局势.

  Aggregate n.总数,总计 a.总计的,合计的 vt.总计达,积累

  Unit sales for December amounted in the aggregate to 100,000. 12月份的单位销售量总数达到10万.

  Blaze vi.着火;放光彩;爆发 n.火焰,烈火;灿烂

  If we put some paper on the fire,it will soon burst into a blaze.如果把纸放在火上,就会马上发出火焰.

  Clarity n.清楚,明确

  Im greatly impressed by the clarity of the sea water in Hainan.海南清澈的海水给我留下了深刻的印象.

  Clearance n.净空;清除;清算

  Generally speaking in a modern apartment the clearance of the living room is becoming larger. 一般来说,现代公寓的客厅变得越 来越大.

  At the turn of seasons there is usually a clearance sale of some goods in almost every store.在季节交替的时候,各商店通常都对某些商品清仓大减价.

  Designate vi.指派,委任;标出

  A special committee was designated by the UN to mediate the conflict between Palestine and Israel.联合国指派了一个特别委员会去调停巴基斯坦和以色列的冲突.

  diagnose vt.诊断,判断

  Doctors have to rely on a CT machine to diagnose tumors inside the head.医生只有依赖CT,来确诊头部肿瘤.

  Through effective tests,students reading difficulties can be diagnosed.通过有效的测试,学生阅读上的困难可被查找出来.

  Embody vt.体现;包含,包括

  The new marriage law of country embodies some changed legal provisions.我国新的婚姻法有些条文做了改动.

  The article embodied all his opinions on the incident.



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