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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Accord n.一致,符合;谅解,协议 vi.相符合,相和谐 vt.授予,赠与;给予

  Israel and Palestine have not yet been in accord on the problem of Jerusalems ascription.以色列与巴基斯坦至今仍未能达成一致就耶路撒冷的归属问题.

  anticipate vt.预期,期望,预料;先于行动,提前使用

  It is believed in China that a man who always anticipates his income can never become rich.中国人认为,总是预支工资,寅吃卯粮的人,永远不能成为富人.

  Haier often anticipat- es its competitors by getting its products onto the market first. 海尔 经常赶在竞争对手之前,先把产品推向市场.

  Bore vt.使厌烦,使厌倦;钻,挖 n.令人讨厌的人

  Im bored,lets go to the cinema.我闷了,咱们去看电影吧.

  Dont be such a bore!别这么讨厌.

  combine v.结合,联合,化合 n.联合企业;联合收割机

  In Indonesia,the two principal political parties have combined to form a government.在印尼,两个主要政党已经联合起来组成政府.

  The choreography,which combines artistry and athletics,is extremely innovative.兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺术是极具创新意义的.

  conclusion n.结论,推论;结尾;缔结,议定

  Some found the conclusion of the film Titanic very disappointing.有些人觉得电影《泰坦尼 克号》的结尾是令人失望的.

  Historians have arrived at the conclusion that the Tibetan nationality formed during the 7th century , when the Tubo kingdom unified many tribes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 历史学家认为,藏族形成于公元7世纪, 当时吐蕃王国将青藏高原上的许多部落统一起来.

  Contest n.竞赛,比赛;争夺,竞赛 vt.争夺,与 竞争;对 提出质疑;辩驳

  If the election is one-sided,it is really no contest.如果选举呈一边倒的局面,那么实际上毫无竞争可言.

  Crowed n.人群,群众;一群,一批 vi.聚集,群集;挤,涌 vt.挤满,塞满;挤,推

  Bai Juyi wrote all his poems for the crowed rather than for specialists.白居易的全部诗作都是为一般大众所写,而不是写给专家们.

  Urban Japanese have long endured lengthy travels to and from work and crowed living conditions.生活在城里的日本人长期 以来都要每天长时间乘车上下班,而居住条件又非常拥挤.

  Delete vt.删除;擦掉,勾消,除去

  The editor deleted the last paragraph from the article.编辑删除了文章的最后一段.

  For most people,the first love cant be deleted from memory easily.对于大多数人来说,初恋总是不能轻易地从记忆中抹去.

  Disorder n.混乱,凌乱;骚乱,动乱;失调;病

  Everyone began shouting at once and the meeting broke up in disorder.大家一下子全部喊叫起来,会议秩序大乱而被迫中断.

  Mental disorder is very common in people now.心理失调对当代人来说是很普通的病症.



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