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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Fellowship n.伙伴关系,交情;团体,协会; 奖学金

  I enjoy cordial fellowship with people.我喜欢与人真诚交往.

  Fraud n.欺诈,诈骗;骗子

  People who tell your future by means of a pack of cards are frauds.用一叠纸牌为你占卜未来的人都是骗子.

  Graze vi吃青草 vt.放牧

  The sun was shining brightly and cattle were grazing in the field.阳光在明晃晃地照耀着,牛在地里吃着草.

  Haunt vt.常出没于; 萦绕在心头,缠绕 n.常去的地方

  Mr.Thompson is going to sell the old castle because it is haunted.汤普森先生打算卖掉那座古堡,因为它闹鬼.

  This pub used to be one of my uncles favorite haunts.这家小酒店是我叔叔常去的地方之一.

  innumerable a.无数的,数不清的

  In the universe,there are innumerable stars and other cosmic substances.在宇宙中,有数不清的星星与其他宇宙物质.

  legitimate a.合法的,法律认可的; vt.使合法

  Legitimate business transactions are under the protection of the law.合法的商业交易受法律的保护.

  Lounge n.休息厅,休息室 vi.倚,躺;闲逛,闲荡

  Ronaldo had to lounge his days off in agony when he was wounded in a bloody football match with Juventus.在一场与尤文图斯之间的火暴球赛中受伤以后罗纳尔多只好痛苦而懒散地打发日子.

  Majesty n.陛下;雄伟,壮丽

  Every citizen should acknowlede the majesty of the law.每个公民都认可法律至高 无上的权威.

  Nourish vt.养育,喂养;怀有

  No matter how bad things are,we should always nourish a hope in our mind.无论事情多么糟糕,我们心里都要满怀希望.

  pasture n.牧场 vt.放牧

  This pasture can no longer carry such a large number of cattle and sheep.这块草地再也不能供养那么多牛羊了.

  Petition n.请愿书,申诉书 v.请愿,正式请求

  The villagers all signed a petition asking for a hospital to be built.村民们都在请愿书书上签名要求建一所医院.

  Plaster n.灰浆,灰泥;石膏;膏药 vt.在 上抹灰泥

  When we went to see him,Malcolms right leg was in plaster from a collision.我们去探望马尔科姆的时候,他的右腿还包着石膏,那是撞车造成的.

  Plateau n.高原;稳定时期

  As a rule,one makes rapid progress at the beginning and then it reaches a plateau.通常,一个人开始的时候进步神速,以后就进入平稳时期.



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