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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Paradox n.似乎矛盾而正确的说法;自相矛盾的人

  Your answer to the question is a paradox.你对这个问题的回答矛 盾百出.

  More haste,less speed is a paradox. 欲速则不达 是个似是而非的隽语.

  persistent a.坚持不懈的,执意的;持续的

  The persistent suitor made persistent efforts and succeeded eventually.这个百折不挠的求婚者经过执着的努力,终于如愿以偿.

  Prestige n.声望,威望

  The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige.历史悠久的牛津大学和剑桥大学仍然享有很高的声望.

  Prolong vt.延长,拖延,拉长

  The Congress agreed to prolong the MFN treatment to Vietnam by one year.美国国会决定将对于越南的最惠国待遇延长一年.

  Restrain vi.抑制,克制,戒除 n.叠句,副歌

  She retrained herself from scolding her child until the guests left.她强忍住不责骂孩子,直到客人都走了.

  Revision n.修改,修改,修正;修订本,修订版;温习,复习

  To keep pace with times,the law is in need of frequent revision.为了跟上时代的发展,法律需要不断地修订.

  Skeptical a.表示怀疑的

  I am always skeptical of/about the Chinese Football Teams chance of winning.我对中国足球队的获胜机会总是表示怀疑.

  Subscribe vi.订阅,订购;同意,赞成 vt.捐助,赞助

  What newspapers have you subscribed for?你订阅了哪些报纸?

  How much did you subscribe to the Hope Project?你为希望工程捐助了多少钱?

  temperament n.气质,性格

  The poet is highly nervous and volatile in temperament.诗人生性神经过敏,喜怒无常.

  transaction n.交易,业务

  All transactions,from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically.所有的交易活动,从跑银行到买东西,都可通过电脑来完成.

  Veto vt./n.否决

  The President exercised his veto against the Congressional bill.总统对国会的法案行使了否决权.

  Vulgar a.粗野的,下流的,庸俗的,粗俗的

  The houses and cars of the newly rich are huge but vulgar.那位爆发户的房子和车子都硕大无比,却也俗不可耐.

  Putting food into ones mouth with a knife is considered a vulgar act in England.按英国规矩,用餐刀将食物送入口中算是失仪.



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