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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Tempo n.速度;节奏,行进的速度

  The tempo of life in a modern city is very quick.许多都市生活的节奏很快.

  Quick tempo and big noise make me dislike rock music.由于节奏快、噪音大,我不喜欢摇滚乐.

  Testimony n.证词;见证,证明

  The psychiatrist gave testimony that the young man who tried to assassinate President Regan was insane at that time.精神病医生有证言说,那个企图暗杀里根总统的 年青人当时精神失常.

  vocational a.职业的,业务的

  Does your company provide vocational training?你们公司提供培训吗?

  watertight a.防水的;无懈可击的

  The agent of the Buick Auto Company is extremely cautious in making the contract ,lest it is not watertight enough to prevent unnecessary loss.别克汽车公司的代理在做合同时非常谨慎以免合同不够严密,遭受不必要的损失.

  activate vt.使活动起来,使开始起作用

  The cardiac pacemaker is used to activate the heartbeat when the patient is suffering from a serious shock.在病人严重休克时心脏起博器是用来激活心脏跳动的.

  adjacent a.临近的,毗连的

  Guangdong Province is adjacent to Hunan Province.广东省与湖南省交界.

  automation n.自动化,自动操作

  Automation means the methods and machines that make industry more and more automatic,esp. by means of electronic controls.自动化指的是使工业生产日益自动化的方法或机器尤指通过电子控制.

  Batch n.一批,一组,一群;一批生产量

  Every year migratory birds fly to Kunming in batches to survive the winter.每年有成批的候鸟飞到昆明来越冬.

  Casualty n.伤亡人员,死伤者;受害者

  In Iran-Iraq war,both sides incurred heavy casualties.在两伊战争中,双方均遭受惨重伤亡.

  catastrophe n.大灾难,灾祸

  The Tangshan earthquake in 1975 was a catastrophe.1975 年的唐山大地震是一场灾难.

  Cavity n.洞,穴,龋洞

  There is a cavity in one of my teeth;it makes me terribly painful.我有颗牙齿上有个洞,疼死我了.

  Census n.人口普查,统计

  In March 2001 the Chinese government announced the result of the fifth census. 2001 年3月中国政府公布了第五次人口普查的结果.

  Coverage n.覆盖范围;资讯报道

  CCTV has an overall coverage of 90% of the mainland area by means of satellite telecommunication.通过通讯卫星中央电视台已覆盖大陆 90%.

  deficiency n.缺乏,不足;缺点,缺陷

  In spite of mental deficiency,Zhouzhou can conduct a large orchestra. Its really a miracle.尽管弱智,但洲洲却能够指挥大型管弦乐队.这真是个奇迹.



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