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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  overthrow vt./n.打倒,推翻

  To provide enough manpower for ever- growing northern factories slavery in the southern states had to be overthrown.为了给北方日渐扩大的工厂提供足够的劳动力, 南方的奴隶制必须推翻.

  That was what ignited the American Civil War.那是美国南北战争的原因.

  overwhelm vt.使承受不了使不知所措;征服,制服

  In last weeks semi-final,the Manchester United overwhelmed Liz by 4-0.在上周的半决赛中,曼联队以4比0击败利兹队.

  Pearl n.珍珠,珠状物

  In the early morning, you can see pearls of dew glistening on the grass.晨曦初露的时候,可以看到露珠在草上闪烁.

  He who would search for pearls must dive below.欲寻珍珠就要潜到水里.

  Petty a.小的,琐碎的,不重要的,气量小的,心胸狭窄的

  Our oversight of petty details in the contract caused us considerable.由于忽视合同中的细节,我们亏损不小.

  Premium n.保险金;奖品,赠品,额外津贴 a.高级的,优质的;售价高的

  Farmers are offered a premium for organically grown vegetables.农民以有机方式种植蔬菜而获得津贴.

  propaganda n.宣传

  There has been a good deal of propaganda about the dangers of drunk driving.关于酒后驾驶的危害已做过大量宣传.

  Romance n.爱情小说,传奇故事

  The film Roman Holiday is a romance between a princess and a journalist.电影〈罗马假日〉讲的是一个公主和一个记者的爱情故事.

  Sober ;a.未醉的,有节制的;严肃的,持重的;素淡的

  A more sober life is advisable to an unrestrained one.有节制的生活肯定比放纵的好.

  Surpass vt.超过,优于,多于;超过 的界限

  Though we thought that we might lose in the first round,the result surpassed our hopes.尽管我们认为可能在首轮即遭淘汰,结果比所期望的要好.

  Tariff n.关税,税率;价目表,收费表

  There is a very high tariff on jewelry.宝石类的税率很高,

  Thats why imported jewelry is so expensive.因此进口宝石很贵.

  Token n.信物,纪念品

  When people meet,they shake hands as a token of friendship.人们相逢的时候,握手以表示友谊.

  Tribute n.贡品;颂词,称赞

  The government paid tribute to Dr. Sun Yatsen ,by naming the city in which he was born after him.为表达对孙中山先生的敬意政府把他出生的城市命名为中山市.



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