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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  drain vt.排走,排去...的水;渐渐耗尽 vi.慢慢流掉,减少

  drain n.耗竭,消耗;排水沟,排水管

  The rainwater drained slowly because the drain was blocked.雨水排得很慢,因为排水沟给堵住了.

  Enforce vt.实施,生效,执行;强迫,迫使

  Most airlines enforce a total ban in using portable electronic devices, which will affect the safety of the flight.绝大多数航空公司都禁用手提电子设备, 因为那会影响飞机安全.

  Dont stand in the way when the police enforce the law.别妨碍警察执法.

  Exhibit vt.展出,展览,陈列;显示,显出 n.展览品,陈列品

  Many children are especially interested in dinosaur exhibits.许多孩子对博物馆展出的恐龙特别感兴趣.

  Social scientists want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors.社会学家想解释为什么我们具有某些特性, 呈现某种特定行为.

  Format n.设计,安排;格式,样式,版式 vt.使格式化

  Many literary classics are now reissued in a new format.许多文学名著现在以新的版式再版.

  Youd better format the disc before you use it.使用磁盘之前最好先格式化.

  Grade n.等级,级别;成绩,分数; 年级

  Grade vt.将...分等;对...进行评分

  Grading people only by their clothing is stupid.单凭衣着给人分等级是愚蠢的.

  imagine vt.想象,设想;料想,猜想

  You cant imagine how the refuges live in Somali.你不可能想象得出索马里的难民是如何生活的.

  Without electricity, it would be hard to imagine what the modern world would look like.很难想象现代社会如果没有电会是什么模样.

  Interpret vi.口译,翻译 vt.解释,说明,诠释

  To interpret simultaneously is extremely difficult.同声翻译是极困难的.

  Literature helps to interpret life.文学有助于阐释人生.

  Minor a.较小的,较少的;次要的 n.副修科目;未成年人 vi.副修

  Mei Lanfang was just given a minor part in a new play for his first time on stage.梅兰芳第一次登上舞台只分到一出新戏中的一个较次要的角色.

  Many university stude- nts will minor in some practical courses in order to get a good job.许多大学生都会副修一些实用性的课程,目的是为了能找份好工作.

  Offensive a.冒犯的,无礼的,使人不快的;进攻的,攻击性的 n.进攻,攻势

  Dont glare at wild animals eyes.It will be taken as an offensive gesture.别盯着野生动物的眼睛看,那会被视作攻击性的姿态.

  The company has launched a strong marketing offensive to try to increase sales. 公司已经发动争取市场的强大攻势以期增加销售量.



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