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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Enroll vi.入学;加入 vt.招收,吸收

  Gong Li wanted to enroll in the Depart- ment of Sociology at Beijing University, but it caused an aversion from the academic circle. 巩俐想入北京大学社会学系学习,却引起知识界的反感.

  Expend vt.花费,消费

  Cindy Crawford expends most of her incomes on all sorts of luxuries.辛迪.克劳芙把她大部分的收入用在奢侈品上.

  Foresee vt.预见,预知

  If Wang An had foreseen that personal computers would be so popular,he would be making a lot of money now.要是王安预见到个人电脑会如此普及,他今天就发大财了.

  Handbook n.手册,便览

  Before you start this new stereo,you have to read through this handbook.使用这台新的音响前,一定要仔细阅读使用手册.

  Immune a.免疫的,有免疫力的

  It seems no one is immune to vanity,just as no one can survive without food.在我看来,没有人能免于虚荣心的影响,正如没有人可以不吃东西而生存.

  Ivory n.象牙,象牙色

  A university student taking a part-time job,in the words of some, is walking out of the ivory tower.大学生做兼职,用一些人的话说,就是走出象牙塔.

  Latitude n.纬度,回旋余地

  Climates differ widely in different areas in a country covering a wide range of latitude.在一个跨多个纬度的国家,气候差异很大.

  Misery n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难

  One who hasnt suffered any misery in his life will not mature.一个在生活中没有经历磨难的人,不容易变得成熟.

  Misery loves company. 同病相怜,同忧相救.

  Perfume n.香水,香气

  Chanel N 5 is a very expensive French perfume. 夏奈尔5 是非常昂贵的法国香水.

  Plea n.恳求,请求;抗辩,辩护

  It was ridiculous that the Japanese man who killed 12 school boys entered a plea for not guilty.这真是荒唐那个杀死12个小学生的日本男人恳求无罪.

  Plead vi.恳求,请求

  Is it justifiable if a young man pleads for himself on account of his youth and simplicity?你认为是否站得住脚呢?如果一个年轻人以自己年少单纯而恳求无罪?

  Timely a.及时的,适时的

  The timely rain after a long time of drought will certainly bring on the crops.久旱之后的这场及时雨肯定会有助于作物的生长.

  Transit n.运输,载运

  The letter he sent to his girl got lost in transit and it didnt reach her until 50 years later.他寄给女朋友的信在运输途中丢失,过了50年才到达她的手上.



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