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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Rough a.粗糙的,粗暴的;喧闹的;未加工的;汹涌的

  Rough ad.简陋地;粗暴地 vt.草拟 用暴力对待,殴打

  The English gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town.英国的绅士们总是不肯接近城市粗人居住的地区.

  Many people consider boxing a rough sport.许多人认为拳击是一项粗野的运动.

  Satisfy vt.满足,使...满意;符合,达到

  A recent survey suggests that only 24.5% of the Japanese students are fully satisfied with school life,while in the U.S.there are 67.2%.在最近的一次调查中人们发现只有24.5%的日本学生完全满意校园生活而在美国却达67.2%.

  Smash vt.粉碎,打烂;猛击;使破灭,使失败

  Smash vi.粉碎;猛撞,猛冲 n.破碎;猛击;轰动的演出

  If you smash an egg on a stone,the egg will definitely smash.用鸡蛋去撞石头,鸡蛋肯定会撞个粉碎.

  Strengthen vt.加强,巩固,勉励,激励

  The cooperation among countries should be strengthened to protect the environment.国家与国家之间必须加强合作以保护环境.

  subsequent a.随后的,后来的

  Most countries in Europe were in a mess during the period subsequent to World War Two.大部分欧洲国家陷入了窘境二战后的一段时期中,

  Address n.地址,住址;演讲,讲话;

  Address vt.写姓名地址;向 作 讲话;称呼

  Leaving email addresses to each other is a fashionable way of keeping in contact among young people nowadays.互留电子邮箱地址是现在年轻人时髦的保持联络的方式.

  How should I address you? 我应当怎样称呼您呢?

  Assign vt.指派,选派;指定 ;分配;布置

  The two governments assigned a day for the next summit meeting between President Putin and President Bush. 两国政府确定了下一次普京与布什会晤的日期.

  The competent secretary was assigned to take the minutes for the meeting of the board of directors. 这个能干的秘书被选派为;董事会议做记录.

  Attribute vt.把...归因于;把归于 n.属性,特性

  Many peoples sucess can be attributed to hard work and a bit of luck.很多人的成功都可以归于勤奋加上一点儿运气.

  Stubbornness is considered the attribute of mules.顽固被认为是骡的特性.

  Compel vt.强迫,迫使

  Because he is unable to distinguish colors, the color-blind boy is compelled to give up the ideal of becoming a fashion designer. 因为无法分辨色彩,那个色盲的男孩不得不放弃成为服装设计师的理想.

  complaint n.抱怨,诉苦;投诉,控告;疾病



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