commonplace a.平庸的,普通的 n.寻常的事物,平庸的东西
Some scientists believe that soon it will be commonplace for people to travel to the moon.一些科学家相信,不用多久,人们到月球旅行会变成常见的事.
confidential a.机密的;秘密的;表示信任的;担任机密工作的
Remember to keep this information confidential.记住要恪守这个机密情报.
contemplate vt.注视;凝视;盘算,技巧;思量,对...周密考虑
The new students contemplated each other nervously.新生们紧张地相互对视.
We cant just contemplate all day and not take action.不要成天什么都不干而一个劲地冥思苦想.
degenerate vi.衰退,堕落,蜕化 n.堕落者 a.衰退者,堕落的
Her health degenerated as the days went by.她的健康状况日益恶化.
Disable vt.使丧失能力,伤残
His uncle was disabled in the civil war,he lost his left arm.他的叔父在内战中失去了一条左臂,成了残废人.
According to the new insurance rules, the disabled for the public benefit are to receive more money.新的保险条例规定因公伤残者将得到更多的抚恤金.
Elevate vt.提升职位;提高,改善使情绪高昂,使兴高采烈;举起,使上升
Eisenhower was elevated to the rank of general due to his wise command in battle.由于在战斗中指挥英明, 艾森豪威尔被提升为将军.
Reading good books elevates ones mind.阅读好书能提高人的心灵修养.
Essence n.本质,实质,要素;精髓,精华
Being thoughful of others is the essence of politeness.为别人考虑是礼貌的本质.
This shampoo contains herbal essence.这种洗发露含有草本 精华.
Fabricate vt.捏造,伪造;编造,建造,创造
The gang fabricate evidence and threatened witnesses.那一伙歹徒伪造证据并威胁目击者.
The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated.他所说的缺席理由显然是编造的.
Glare vi.怒目而视;发射强光,发出耀眼的光线 n.强光;怒视,瞪眼;炫耀,张扬
The sun glared out of the blue sky.太阳在蓝天上发出强烈的光.
The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word.这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说.
To avoid glare of the sun,you had better wear a pair of sunglasses.为避免耀眼的阳光,最好戴上墨镜.
homogeneous a.同种类的;同性质的,有相同特征的
Japan has a largely homogeneous population.日本的人口基本上同属一个种族.
Impart vt.告知,透露;赋予,给予
Women tend to impart their secrets to their intimate friends.女人往往喜欢把秘密向她们的好友吐露.
A good teacher should impart wisdom to his pupils.好老师就应该把智慧传递给学生.