Revolve v.旋转
The ancient Egyptians thought the sun revolved round the earth but still predicted eclipses.古代埃及人认为地球运转,却竟然能预测日月蚀.
Safeguard vt.维护 n.预防措施,保证条款
It goes without saying that the sole duty of the army is to safeguard national independence and state sovereignty.不言而喻,军队的唯一职责就是维护民族独立和国家主权.
Shatter vi.使粉碎,使破灭
Ronaldos last-minute goal shattered the fond dream of the AC Milan to tie the game.罗纳尔多最后一刻的进球打碎了AC 米兰的取得平局的美梦.
Slaughter vt./n.屠杀,杀戮,屠宰
The panic of mouth and foot disease caused the British government to slaughter millions of cattle.口蹄疫的恐慌使英国政府屠杀了数百万头牲口.
Solo a./ad.单独的 n.独奏,独唱, 独舞
In a ballet performance.Id like to watch a solo rather than a group dance.在芭蕾舞演出中,我更喜欢看独舞而不爱看集体舞.
Symphony n.交响乐,交响曲
In a symphony show,an audience may feel a variety of mixed feelings.在一场交响乐音乐会中,听众会产生各种复杂的情怀.
Trigger vt.触发,引起 n.枪的扳机; 引起反应的行为
The new recruit accidentally triggered his rifle and the bullet went through a flying eagle.那个新兵无意中扣发了他步枪的扳机,子弹竟然射中了一只飞行中的老鹰.
Unanimous a.全体一致的,一致同意的
The country is unanimous in its support of the governments policy to reduce the deficit.全国一致支持政府消减赤字的政策.
Yoke n.牛轭;束缚,枷锁 vt.结合,连结
With efforts from the doctor and his loving family,the youngster has freed himself from the yoke of drug addiction.在医生和充满爱心的家人的帮助下,那个少年摆脱了毒瘾 的控制.
Alien n.外国人,外星人 a.外国的,外国人的;陌生的;性质不同的,不相容的
We shouldnt ignore others opinions just because they are alien to our own ideas.我们不是因为别人的想法与我们的截然不同就忽视他人的意见.
Assault n./vt.攻击,袭击
Lately there have been violent assaults in Jerusalem between the Israelites and Palestinians.在以色列人与巴勒斯坦人之间近来在耶路撒冷常常爆发暴力冲突 .
Bandage n.绷带 vt.用绷带绑扎
The surgeon bandaged up the injured head of the player and the player dashed back into the field again.外科医生把那个球员受伤的头部包扎起来,球员又冲回了球场.
Bribe n.贿赂,行贿赂 vi.向 行贿,买通
The French minister was accused of having taken bribes in the arms deal.那个法国的部长被指控在武器交易中接受了贿赂.
Clip n.夹子,回行针;弹夹,弹仓;剪报,电影片断
Clip vt.夹住,扣住;剪,修剪;消减,缩短
Soon the guard on the train came and clipped our tickets.不久列车员走过来给我 们剪了票.
We were relieved that we made it. 我们终于赶上了火车,大家松了一口气. ;