alternative,choose,pick,select都含有一定的 选择 之意
alternative adj. n. 供选择的,抉择,供选择的东西.指在两者之间进行选择,两者选一的
choose 适用范围最广,指从众多的对象中挑选,这中挑选常取决于个人的意志与判断,不强调客观标准.它所选择的对象可以是不同种类的,可以是有形的或无形的.还常带有最终选定的含义,即表示选定候不再变化.
pick 口头用语,指仔细地,精心地选择,含有挑剔的意思.一般指挑选有形的东西
select 语气比choose重,多用于正式场合.指仔细地,审慎地精选,强调客观性,而不是主观性.所挑选的对象可以是有形或无形的,但一定是同种类的.
1.He selected an appropriate birthday card for his mother.他给母亲精心挑选了一张合适的生日卡.
2.Children shouldn t pick food.孩子不应该挑食.
3 He chose Miss Lilyfor his wife.他选择了莉丽小姐作为他的妻子.
4.When traveling,you are advised to take travelers checks,which provide a secure alternative to carrying your money in cash.建议你旅游时带旅行支票,那样要比带现金安全.
5.Im to pick out a few good books to send to my friend.我要挑选几本好书给我的朋友.
altitude 高度,海拔
aptitude 才能,智力,倾向,习性
attitude 态度,看法
latitude 纬度
1.Beavers have an aptitude for building dams.水獭有筑坝的习性.
2.She takes the attitude that Children should be allowed to learn at their own pace. 她采取的态度就是应该允许孩子们按照自己的节奏学习.
3 He has an aptitude for languages.他有学语言的才能.
4.Whats yourattitudetowards this question?你对这个问题有什么看法?
5.Taipei is located at 121.7 degrees east longitude and 25 degrees northlatitude.台北位于东经121.7度,北纬25度.
6.The pilot is exercising the altitudeflight.飞行员正在练习高空飞行.
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