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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  sustain v. 维持=support

  scandal n. 丑闻

  strive v. 力求 ~ for freedom

  submit to v. 屈服=yield to

  striking a. 显著的

  scrape v. 刮,擦

  sensible a. 合情理的

  stereotype n. 陈规,固定的看法

  submerge v. 淹没

  cope n. 范围

  seemingly ad. 表面上

  speculate v. 猜测

  steep a. 陡的

  summon v. 唤起 How can I ~ up his courage?

  shift v. 移动;转变 ~ responsibility on to others

  scatter v. .驱散

  sentiment n. 感情

  severe a. 严重的 ~ wound

  shield v. 保护

  simultaneously a. 同时地

  sole a. 唯一的

  sponsor n. 赞助者

  startle v. 惊吓

  substantial a. 可观的,大量的=considerable a substantial income

  sufficient a. 充分的

  supplement v./n. 补充He ~ed his income by taking apart-time job.

  safeguard v. 保护

  savage a. 野蛮的 =not civilized

  scent n. 香味 The scent of women(Oscar 影片)

  scrutiny n. 细看

  setback n. 挫折

  shatter v. 使粉碎 It shattered my dream.

  simulate v. 模拟

  skeptical a. 怀疑的

  slack a. 松弛的

  sneak v. 溜;偷偷地做

  sober a. 未醉的 Im ~ enough.

  specifications n. 规格,说明书

  spectacle n. 景象,大观

  spectator n. 旁观者

  spontaneous a. 自发的

  stability n. 稳定

  stagger v. 蹒跚

  stationary a. 固定的

  stimulus n. 刺激

  straightforward a. 坦率的 a ~ reply

  stubborn a. 倔强的

  stumble v. 绊倒

  subscribe to v. 订阅

  subsidy n. 补贴

  subtle a. 微妙的the ~ difference of the two words

  supervise v. 监督

  suppress v. 镇压; 抑制



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