In those boring letures,many students just sat gazing into the classroom window.在那些沉闷的课堂教学中,许多学生知识呆呆地望着窗外.
Guard n.警戒,警备;警卫员,看守,卫兵
Guard vt.守卫,捍卫 vi.防止,防范
Be on your guard against pickpockets.谨防扒手.
Tooth paste with fluorine can effectively guard against tooth decay.含氟牙膏能有效防止蛀牙.
Hostile a.敌对的,敌意的,不友善的;敌方的
It was very strange how hostile she was to all the beautiful girls approaching her husband.很奇怪,她对所有接近丈夫的漂亮女孩都心存敌意.
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