通过文章阅读学习英语六级词汇 Unit thirty-two
A Stunning Advance in Third World Productivity?
Two weeks ago, China had the 10th largest economy in the world. This week it jumps to third, behind the U.S. and Japan. India, formerly No.11, leaps to No.6. Mexico climbs from No.12 to No.10.
what has been going on? A stunning advance in Third World productivity? No, something more mundane but almost as far-reaching is taking place as the Washington-based International Monetary Fund switches to a different system for estimating the size of each countrys economy. Those most affected are rapidly industrializing nations such as Mexico, Brazil, India, Indonesia and Thailand, and their upgraded status, is likely to change perceptions of the worlds economic balance of power. Says Robert Hormats: This new accounting underscores in quantitative terms just how powerful China, India and other developing countries are today, both as markets and as competitors.
The IMFs latest calculations replace an accounting technique that valued in the U.S. dollars the output of goods and services in every nation. That system, still widely used by economists as well as by multilateral lenders like the world Bank, produces swings in a countrys gross national product, its total output of goods and services, every time the value of its currency shifts in relation to the U.S. dollar. The IMFs new gauge relies on purchasing-power parity, a means of calculating national income that many economists believe should have been put into practice long ago. Rather than GNP being measured in dollars, a national basket of goods and services encompassing the likes of transport, food, clothing and shelter is tallied in local currency and compared with purchasing power of similar goods and services in other parts of the world. This method provides a more accurate assessment of the value of what each person is able to buy, a figure that is multiplied by a countrys total population to reach an estimate of national output. Using this standard, the IMF pegs Chinas output as $1.7 trillion last year, far above the $400 billion used in earlier estimates.
While the higher IMF estimates may be better yardsticks of economic progress, they have also aroused Third World concern that some hard-pressed developing nations may suddenly be seen as too well-off to receive needed World Bank loans. Under current rules, only countries with a per capita GDP of less than $765 qualify for 35-year interest-free loans, the most favorable terms available. World Bank officials insist that they have no plans to change their own measuring techniques to match the IMFs revised numbers. So the worries in some countries may be justified.
The IMFs new tallies are still controversial. Some economists believe that in a number of cases, the value of goods and services in different countries cannot be meaningfully compared. But a majority of economists seem to applaud the change. Nor is the end is sight: forecasters who use IMF methods in adding the economies of Hong Kong and Taiwan to that of China -- envisaging a Greater China, so to speak calculate that total output will exceed the U.S.s in less than a decade.
leap vi. 1.跳,跃,跳动 2.急速行动,冲 vt. 跃过 n. 1.跳,跳跃 2.激增,骤变
hop vi. 1.单足跳跃 2.齐足跳跃 vt. 跳上 n.1.蹦跳 2.短程航行
skip vi. 1.跳,蹦跳 2.跳绳 vt.跳过,略过,漏过 n.跳,蹦跳
stun vt. 1.使震惊,使目瞪口呆 2.把打昏,使昏迷
productivity n.生产力,生产率
productive a. 1.多产的,富饶的 2.富有成效的
mundane a.1.世俗的,平凡的 2.宇宙的,世界的
monetary a.钱的,货币的,金融的
upgrade vt.提升,使升级 n.向上的斜坡
degrade vt.1.降低的身份,有辱的人格 2.使降解,使退化
elevate vt.1.提升的职位,提高,改善 2.使情绪高昂,使兴高采烈 3.举起,使上升
underscore vt.1.在下面划线 2.强调,加强
underline vt.1.在下面划线2.强调,使突出
bracket n.1.括号 2.等级段,档次vt.1.把置于括号内 2.把归入同一类
tick n.1.记号,句号 2.滴答声 vt.给标记号 vi.发出滴答声
quantitative a.量的,定量的
qualitative a.质的,定性的
bilateral a.双边的,双方的
multilateral 1.多边的 2.多国参加的,多国间的
swing v. 1.使摇摆,使摇荡 2.旋转 3.突然转向 n.1.摆动,摇摆 2.秋千
whirl vt.1.旋转,急转 2.发晕,变混乱 n.1.旋转,急转 2.混乱 pendulum 1.钟摆 2.摇摆不定的事态
gauge n.1.测量仪表 2.厚度,直径 vt.1.估计,判断 2.计量,度量
practice n.1.练习,实习 2.实践,实际 vt.1.练习,实习 2.从事 3.执行
practical a.实际的,实用的
practicable a.可行的,适用的
parity n.1.相同,相等 2.类似,相似
tally vt.计算,统计,合计
peg n.1.小钉,栓,挂物钉 2.桩 vt.1.用钉子钉,用钉固定 2.限定 3.将看成,将归入
cork n.软木,软木塞 vt.用瓶塞塞住
trillion n.万亿
yardstick n.1.码尺 2.计算标准,尺度
qualify v.使胜任,具有资格,合格
eligible a.1.有条件被选中的,有恰当资格的 2.合适的,合意的
applaud vi.鼓掌,喝彩 vt.1.向鼓掌,向喝彩 2.称赞,赞许
envisage vt.想象,设想
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