PUT compute computer computerize computation depute deputation deputy dispute disputable disputation imputation indisputable repute reputable disreputable disrepute amputate disputatious impute putative reputed
LOG catalogue dialogue prologue epilogue logic logical apology apologia apologist apologue apologize analogy analogous anthropology biology chronology entomology etymology eulogize geology meteorology mineralogy mythology neology pathology philology phrenology physiology psychology theology trilogy zoology colloquial colloquy eloquent eloquence loquacious loquacity obloquy soliloquy locution circumlocution elocution interlocution prolocutor eulogy monologue neologism genealogy
TERR terrace terrain terrene territory territorial exterritorial extraterritorial inter interment disinter disinterment Mediterranean parterre subterranean terrarium terrestrial
MAR marine submarine transmarine ultramarine aquamarine marina mariner maritime
PATH passion passionate passive passivism compassion compassionate dispassion dispassionate patient impatient compatible compatibility incompatible pathos pathetic antipathy antipathetic apathy neuropathy sympathize sympathy apathetic empathy pathology sociopath
PEN/PUN penalize penalty penitence penitent penitentiary repent repentance repentant punish punishment impunity penal penance punitive
MATR/METR maternal matriarchy matricide matrimony matrix matron maternity matriculate matrilineal metropolitan
MONI monition monument monumental monumentalize admonition admonitory premonitory summon admonish monitory monitor premonition
CANT canticle recant chant enchant enchantment accent accentuate cantata incantation cantor descant
LUD/LUS allusion collude delude delusion elude elusion elusive illusion disillusion interlude postlude allude collusion ludicrous prelude
PHAN/PHEN phantom phase fantasy fantasia fantastic fancy fancied fanciful phenomenal diaphanous emphasize emphasis emphatic phantasm phantasmagoria phenomenon diaphanous
VER very veridical verifiable verification verily verisimilitude veritable veracious veracity verdict aver verify verisimilar verity
TURB turbidity turbulence disturb disturbance perturbation trouble troublesome troublous perturb turbine turbulent turbid
VOLU/VOLV volume voluminous volute convolve convolution devolve evolve evolutionism involve involvement involution revolve revolver revolution revolutionary revolt devolution evolution voluble convoluted
FAC/FEC/FIC fact factor factory faction factional factious factitious factotum facture benefactor malefactor manufacture facilitate facility facsimile faculty difficult difficulty affect affectation affection affectionate confect confectionary confectionery defect defection effect effective effectual infect infection infectious disinfect perfect perfection imperfect prefect prefecture refection refectory deficient deficiency efficacy efficient efficiency magnificent magnificence proficiency profit profitable office official sacrifice suffice sufficient affair feat defeat feature feasible counterfeit forfeit forfeiture surfeit confection facile olfactory proficient
UT/US usufruct usury utilitarian utility
上一篇: 巧解大学英语六级完成句子题
下一篇: 冲刺大学英语六级考试词汇记忆(第二期)
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