MAL maladjustment maladministration maladroit malady malaise malcontent malediction malefactor maleficent malfeasance malformation malfunction malice malignant malinger malnutrition maltreat malevolent malicious malign malnourished
CATA catalogue catapult cataract catastrophe category cataclysm catacomb catalyst catatonic
PROT/PROTO protoplast protozoan protagonist protocol protoplasm prototype
ANTE antebellum antecedent antediluvian antemeridian anticipate ancient ancestor antechamber antedate anterior ante meridiem
ORTH/ORTHO orthodoxy orthogonal orthographic orthopedic orthopedist orthopsychiatry orthodontics orthodox orthopedics orthography
RECT rectal rectangle rectifiable rectifier rectum correct correction correctitude corrective corrector direct direction directive director directory erect erectile erection erectness erector escort incorrect indirect rectitude rectify rectilinear rector
EU eugenics eulogy eupepsia euphony euthanasia evangel eugenic euphemism euphoria evangelism
DYS dysfunctional dyslexia dyspeptic dystrophy
ROG rogation abrogation arrogance arrogant arrogation derogate interrogate interrogation interrogative interrogator interrogatory abrogate arrogate derogatory prerogative
QUIS query quest question questionable questionnaire acquire acquirement acquisition conquer conqueror conquest disquisition exquisite inquire inquiry inquest inquisitive require requirement requisite prerequisite request sequester inquisition perquisite acquisitive requisition
PLE ply pliable pliers apply appliance applicable applicant application imply implicate implication implicit reply replica replicate replication complicate complicated complicity complex complexion complexity explicate explicable explication explicit exploit perplex perplexed perplexity supplicate supplicant deploy deployment display employ employee employer employment simple simpleton simplicity simplify duple duplex duplicate duplicator duplicity diploma diplomatic diplomacy diplomatist triple triplicate quadruple quadruplicate multiple multiplex multiply multiplicity multiplicative plait pleat plight complement deplete implement replete
METR meter metrology metronome aerometer anemometer barometer centimeter chronometer chronometry diameter dynamometer geometry hydrometer hygrometer perimeter seismometer symmetry thermometer trigonometry voltmeter metric odometer symmetrical tachometer
FAC/FRONT fa?ade facet facial facelift deface efface ineffaceable interface preface superficial surface front frontier affront confront effrontery
FALL/FALS fallacy fallacious fallible infallible false falsehood falsify falsification falsity fault faulty default
FAM fame famous infamy infamous defame defamation defamatory fate fatal infant infancy infanticide infantine
FARE farewell thoroughfare warfare welfare
FEND/FEST fend fence defend defendant defense defensive offend offense offensive infest infestation manifest manifestation manifesto
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