378. feasible a. 可行的
379. fertile a. 肥沃的
380. flourish v. 茂盛, 繁荣
381. fragment n. 碎片
382. furnish v. 提供,配置=provide He furnished me with a lot of useful information.
383. genuine a. 真的
384. grope v. 摸索
385. harbor v. 心怀
386. harmony n. 和谐
387. hollow a. 空的, 中空的
388. hostile a. 敌视的
389. illusion n. 幻想
390. imaginary a. 虚构的
391. ignite v. 点燃
392. impetus n. 推动
393. immune a. 免疫的
394. incentive n. 刺激
395. indulge v. 沉溺于 ~ oneself in
396. induce v. 引起; 诱导
397. ingredient n. 配料 the ~s of pizza
398. initiative n. 主动性 You should take the ~.
399. intimate a. 亲密的
400. intervene v.干预
401. liable to a. 易于 = be apt to/be prone to
402. liberal a. 自由的
403. linger v. 继续逗留;留恋 They lingered in the beautiful town.
404. mature a. 成熟的
405. moderate a. 适度的 ~ physical exercises
406. motivate v. .激励 A desire to pass Band 6 ~s her to work hard.
407. multiply v. 繁殖
408. overall a. 总体的 an ~ impression
409. perceive v. 感知
410. prevail over v . 胜过
411. prime n. 壮年 He died in the ~ of his life.
412. priority n. 优先权 give ~ to
413. prominent a. 突出的, 杰出的=distinguished
414. prone to a. 易于
415. prosperity n. 繁荣
416. reckless a. 卤莽的
417. relevant a. 有关的
418. remedy n. 治疗法
419. resistant a. 抵抗的
420. respective a. 分别的
421. resume v. 重新开始
422. scandal n. 丑闻
423. scatter v. .驱散
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