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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第一部分 词汇认知

  1 nutrition n. 营养

  【联想】nutriment n. 营养品;nutritious a. 有营养的,营养价值高的;nutrient n. 营养品,滋养物 a.营养的,滋养的

  【搭配】adequate nutrition of the body 身体需要的充足的营养

  2 overlap v. 部分重叠;部分相同 n. 重叠,重叠的部分

  【联想】前缀over-表示超过,重复,如:overflow 从中溢出;overload 使装载过重

  【搭配】the tiles on the roof overlap one another房上的瓦是一块搭着一块的

  3 pretext n. 借口,托词

  【联想】pretext同义词为excuse,但用法不一样,on the pretext 以...为借口

  ,in excuse of 以...为借口

  【搭配】onthe pretext 以...为借口

  4 persistent a. 坚持不懈的,执意的;持续的

  【联想】persevere vi. 坚持不懈,锲而不舍;persist vi. 坚持不懈,执意;persistence n. 坚持不懈,持续

  【搭配】persistent noise持续的噪音;persistent attacks of coughing 咳嗽的频繁发作

  5 repel vt. 使厌恶;击退,逐回,取出,排斥

  【联想】repellent a. 令人厌恶的,使人反感的,可憎的

  【搭配】repel an attacker击退进攻者

  6 seemingly ad. 表面上,看上去

  【联想】seeming a. 看上去的,貌似的;seemly a. 恰当的,得体的,适宜的;apparently ad.显然地,清晰可见地;表面上地,貌似)真实)地

  7 spontaneous a. 自发的,无意识的;自然地,天真率直的

  【联想】spontaneously ad. 自发地;spontaneousness n. 自发性,自然

  【搭配】spontaneiys applause 自发的鼓掌

  8 strive vi. 努力,奋斗,力求

  【联想】strain vi.尽力,你用力;exert vt.努力,尽力

  【搭配】strive for/after sth.努力,奋斗;strive against/with与...作斗争

  9 testify vi 作证,证明了表明,说明 vt. 作证,证明

  【联想】testimont n. 证词;见证,证明

  【搭配】testify againse sb. 作证对某人不利;testify in favor of sb.作证对某人有利

  10 vivid a. 生动的,栩栩如生的;鲜艳的

  【联想】vividly ad.生动地 vividbess n.生动

  【搭配】a vivid description 生动的描述;vivid green trousers 鲜绿色的裤子

  第二部分:Practice Makes Perfect

  1 He is the only person who can_____in this case,because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.

  A testify

  B charge

  C accuse

  D rectify

  2 Nothing Helen says is ever_____.She always thinks carefully before she speaks.

  A simultaneous

  B spontaneous

  C rigorous

  D homogenous

  3 Some_____good luck brought us nothing but trouble.

  A seemly

  B seemingly

  C obviously

  D exceptionally

  4 If you want to get into that tunnel,you first have to_____away all the rocks.

  A haul

  B repel

  C dispose

  D snatch

  5 He returned to her house on the_____of having forgotten something.

  A excuse

  B pretext

  C reason

  D defense



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