List 74
press n. 压,印刷,压力,拥挤 v. 压,压榨,逼迫,拥挤,受压
例句:The child pressed her nose against the window.
pressure n. 压,压力,电压.压迫.强制,紧迫
例句:These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modem life.
stress n. 逼迫,压力,重点,强调 vt. 着重,强调,重读
例句:Susan was completely weighed down by the stress of examinations.
compress vt. 压缩,摘要叙述
例句:The film compresses several years into half an hour.
suppress vt. 镇压,抑制,查禁,使止住
例句:The revolt was suppressed in a matter of hours.
oppress vt. 压迫,压抑
例句:The emperor oppressed his people with terrible taxes and punishments.
depress vt. 使沮丧,使消沉,压下, 压低,使萧条 v.压下
例句:The threat of war has depressed business activity nationwide.
depression n.沮丧,消沉,低气压,低压
例句:In time of depression, there were no enough jobs.
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