List 42
fence n.栅栏,围墙,剑术 vt. 用篱笆围住,防护 vi. 击剑,围以栅栏
例句:One end of the garden was fenced off for chickens.
defense n. 国防部,防卫,防卫物 vt. 谋划抵御
例句:The forest around the city will act as a defense against desert dust.
offence n. 犯罪,冒犯,违反,罪过,过错
例句:They were arrested for drug offences.
offend v. 犯罪,冒犯,违反,得罪,使不懈快
例句:David wishes ill to no one except those who intentionally offend him.
offensive adj. 讨厌的,无礼的,攻击性的 n.进攻,攻势
例句:You will find it difficult to explain your use of such offensive language.
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