A Solitary Quest
From my suite of rooms
atop the Holiday Inn
I surveyed the narrow alleys below me.
Only yesterday had I left
my frantic North American life behind,
to avail myself of an opportunity
to travel to China.
I wished to spend time
researching material for my thesis
pertaining to Eastern religions.
The hotel was in close proximity
to the heart of the old downtown.
Innumerable activities were happening below me.
People surged along the street sometimes
stopping to bargain with street vendors.
Cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, oranges
and grapes were heaped on hand carts.
The variety of fruit available
provided a virtual feast for the eyes.
Deliverymen jogged along
pulling enormous loads of cardboard.
To a Westerners eyes cars merged
unbelievably without incident.
It appeared to be a dubious process
to negotiate the traffic
and even cross the street.
However, rather than lounging indoors,
I decided to venture outside
to explore the colorful world below.
I was interested in
locating a church to attend,
as today was Sunday.
On the street I made tentative enquiries
about locating a Christian chapel.
At times the congestion of people
hampered my progress.
Stares from passers-by made me feel conspicuous.
The weather was hot and humid
and there was some possibility of a typhoon
reaching the city later in the day.
After several false leads
I found myself standing
in front of a very old Christian Church,
established by missionaries during the last dynasty
and at the beginning of the last century.
With the onset of a light sprinkle,
I made a hasty retreat to shelter
in the doorway of the church.
The familiar refrain of well-known hymns
rang out within the church.
I felt drawn inside to
join the fellowship in a foreign land.
Even though our languages differed,
my gracious hosts nonetheless,
made room for me,
and made me feel welcome.
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