英语六级词汇解析Lesson 7-查字典英语网
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英语六级词汇解析Lesson 7

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  accommodation n.住处,膳宿

  The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for many Chinese students in London.住宿昂贵使很多中国留学生感到在伦敦生活困难.

  alliance n.结盟,联盟

  China is a nonaligned country and will never enter into other countries alliances.中国是不结盟国家,不会加入其他国家的联盟.

  In the Second World War,the United States, Britian, France and some other countries made an alliance against German Fascists.在第二次世界大战中, 美、英、法等国家结成联盟反对 德国法西斯.

  coarse a.粗的,粗糙的; 粗劣的;粗俗的

  On the stage, a stand-up comedian is performing a coarse imitation of President Bush.在台上,一位滑稽说笑的戏剧演员正粗劣地模仿布什总统.

  Ultraviolet rays,dust, air-conditioning can make your skin coarse.紫外线、灰尘、空调等都会使皮肤粗糙.

  Concern n.关切的事有关的事;关心;担心;关系;公司,企业

  Concern vt.涉及,有关于;使担心,使关心

  Weak financial posture of Netease is starting to concern its stockholders. 网易的财政危机已开始困扰股东.

  A girls concern is different from a boys.女孩子关心的事和男孩子所关心的不一样.

  Crucial a.至关重要的,决定性的

  Generally in science, the 19th century is reckoned as the crucial period for the change in the structure of science. 在科学领域中,19世纪通常被看成是科学结构发生变化的关键时期.

  Selecting a location is crucial to the opening of a store.地点的正确选择对开店是至关重要的.

  Defend vt.保卫,为...辩护,为答辩

  Fan Zhiyi is better at attacking than defending.范志毅的进攻优于防守.

  The soldiers swore to defend the Nansha Isles against invasion .战士们誓言保卫南沙群岛不受侵犯.

  Dominant a.占优势的,支配的,统治的;居高临下的,高耸的

  Russia is the dominant nation in Eastern Europe.俄罗斯是东欧的主要国家.

  The Big Bang,first put forward in the 1920s, acts as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.宇宙大爆炸理论最初于20 世纪20年代提出,这是宇宙形成的最具权威性的解释.

  Emphasize vt.强调,着重,加强的语气

  Our government must use mass media to emphasize the important of a clean environment and the harm of polluted environment. 我们的政府要通过大众媒体强调营造清洁环境的重要性以及一个受污染的环境的危害性.

  Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize.计算机分析的市场报告可以用来帮助决策现在着重发展何种产品.

  Execute vt.处死,处决;实施,执行,完成

  McVeigh was executed for his crime.迈克维被处决,他是罪有应得.

  The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager.经理助理到这里来是代替经理办几件小事的.

  file n.挡案,卷宗,文件;文件夹,公文柜;纵列

  file vt.把文件归档,把登记备案,提出...申请书等

  file vi.提出,排成纵队行进

  Heres our file on the results of the business in the past five years.这是我们过去五年来经营成绩的案卷.

  Computer technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in machine-readable files.计算机技术使将大量资料贮存在可机读的文档成为可能.

  Glance vt.看一眼;扫视 n.一瞥,扫视

  It was said that Hua Tuo,the well-known Chinese doctor in ancient times, could tell whether a person was ill with one glance at his face.据说,中国古时候的名医华佗只要朝人脸上看一眼, 就知道他是否有病.

  humor n.幽默,诙谐;情绪,心情

  The humor in Hawthorns writing is not be absorbed in a hurry.霍桑作品中的幽默不是一下子能领会的.

  People appreciate working with Mark Twain because he has a good sense of humor.人们喜欢和马克.吐温一起工作,因为他很有幽默感.

  Influence n.影响;产生影响的人;势力,权势 vt.影响

  Family influence dominates the shaping of ones characteristics.家庭的影响对于塑造一个人的性格起主要作用.

  Lease n.租借,租约 vt.出租;租有,租得

  The firm leases an office with views over the river.公司租有一个带临河风景的办事处.

  When does the lease expire?租约什么时候期满?

  The lease has four years left.租约还有4年到期.

  Offense n.犯规,违法行为;得罪,冒犯

  Guangdong province has promised a reward of up to 300,000 yuan to drug offense informers if they provide important information on drug trafficking. 广东省承诺,可以给多达 30万元 的赏金给毒品犯罪举报人,如果他们能提供毒品走私的重要情报.

  Its an offense to drive a car at night without lights.夜晚行车不开灯是违章的.

  Genocide is an offense to all civilized human beings.种族灭绝是违反文明人的道德规范的罪行.

  Penalty n.处罚,惩罚,罚金

  A football player may be given a yellow card or a red card penalty for his unnecessary roughness during the match. 足球队员在比赛中会受到 黄牌或红牌处罚因其不必要的粗暴行为.

  Position n.位置,方位;地位,职务;姿势;见解,立场 vt.安放,放置,安置

  I am not in a position to lend you money because I am broke myself.我没能力借钱给你,因为我自己也花光了.

  Many fans position themselves in the Beijing airport to greet Ricky Martin.许多歌迷站在北京机场的出口处迎接瑞奇.马丁.

  Promise n.承诺,诺言;希望,出息 vt.允诺,答应;有...可能,有希望

  Promise vt.允诺;有指望,有前途

  Remember to carry out your promise.记住要履行诺言.

  Clouds give promise of rain.阴云预示着雨的来临.

  Reference n.提到,谈及;参考,查阅;参考书目;证明书推荐信

  We are now forwarding you a catalog for your reference.现寄去我方产品目录以供 参考.

  I asked for a reference letter from IBM Company when I resigned.我辞职的时候向IBM公司索取了自荐信.

  resource n.资源,财力;应付方法,谋略

  The Department of Human Resources is an important department in many big companies.人力资源部是许多大公司的一个重要部门.

  Zhuge Liang was a man of great resource.诸葛亮是个足智多谋的人.

  Scan vt.细看,审视;浏览;扫描 n.扫描

  Many people like to scan the newspaper while having breakfast.许多人喜欢在吃早饭的时候浏览一下报纸.

  Migrating wild geese scan the ground for possible danger before they land.迁徙野鹅在着陆之前总要细看有无危险.

  Sheer a.完全的,十足的;陡峭的,垂直的;极薄的,透明的

  Sheer ad.垂直的,陡峭的 v.急转向,偏离

  Sucess is not achieved by sheer luck.成功不是完全靠运气取得的.

  Mentholatum sheer color balm is a new product loved by young girls. 曼秀雷敦薄色润唇膏是新推出的产品,受到女孩子们的喜爱.

  State n.状态,情况;国家,政府;州 vt.陈述,说明

  A healthy state of mind is the source of a happy life.健康的心态是幸福生活的源泉.

  Please state your name,age and occupation in a few words.请用简短的话陈述一下你的姓名,年龄和职业.

  succession n.连续,继承继任;一连串,一系列

  The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, lighted on Mount Olympus by the suns rays and carried by a succession of runners to the stadium. 奥运会以火把到达体育场为开始,火把在奥林匹斯山上用太阳光点燃,并由一个接一个的选手送 到体育场.

  Tolerance n.宽容,容忍;忍耐

  Turn the volume down, please.My tolerance to noise is limited.请把音量关小,我对嗓音的忍耐力是有限的.

  Tolerance between the races in the world is a global goal.世界各民族间的互相宽容是全球的目标.

  tremendous a.巨大的;精彩的,了不起的

  Some pop fans had a tremendous night at the theater last night with Leons concert.昨天晚上一些流行歌迷在剧院听黎明的音乐会,度过了一个美妙的夜晚.

  Like the other parts of China, Dalian has also made tremendous progress in its social and economic development.与中国其他地方一样,大连在社会经济发展方面也取得了巨大的进步.

  Trend n.倾向,趋向,趋势;时尚,时新款式

  The growth in the American population in the 1950s partly derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an increase in the average size of families. 20世纪50年代美国人口的增长部分是因为早婚的倾向以及家庭平均规模的扩大.

  SOHO has become a new international trend.在家办公已成为一种国际时尚.

  unexpected a.想不到的,意外的

  Noise can have unexpe- cted harmful effects on performance in certain kinds of tasks .噪音会对某些任务的完成有意想不到的不利影响.

  Many unexpected things would happen in ones life.人的一生中会发生很多意想不到的事.

  virtually ad.实际上,事实上

  Some manufacturers make all sorts of promises, but it virtually means nothing. 有些生产商许下各种各样 的诺言,但事实上却啥也不做.

  If we travel by Concorde,New York and Paris are virtually neighbours.如果乘搭协和式飞机旅行,纽约和巴黎几乎是邻居.

  weakness n.虚弱,衰弱,软弱;弱点,缺点;偏好,嗜好

  Education as a mirror of a society,can help us see the strengths, the weakness, the hopes,the prejudices,and the central values of the culture itself.作为社会的一面镜子,教育可以帮助我们看清这种 文化本身的优点、缺点、希望、偏见和起支配作用的价值观.

  Women have a weakness for shopping.女士都有爱逛街的嗜好.



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