on the campus校园内六级高频词组详解第4讲-查字典英语网
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on the campus校园内六级高频词组详解第4讲

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. on the campus注意是on,也注意campus的拼写

  2. try to get information from various channels---多渠道获得信息

  3. capable +of; capability of/for; He is a man of great capability.他是个大有作为的人

  4. escape是一个及物动词也是一个名词,所以escape death死里逃生;have a narrow escape from...幸免于

  Unexpectedly, this soldier could have a narrow escape from death. 这个战士能够死里逃生,是人们没有想到的.

  Escape + doing:We were lucky to escape being punished. 我们很幸运,没有受罚

  Be taken captive被俘

  Capacity指接受上,理解上的能力---He has great capacity of learning language.

  5. accuse chargewith; charge thataccuse后不可以接that从句

  They accused Jim of murder.

  They charged Jim with murder.

  They charged that Jim had committed murder.

  Discharge sb from obligation----解除责任

  Loss of or damage to the goods after the risk has passed to the Buyer does not discharge him from his obligation to pay the price, unless the loss or damage is

  due to an act or omission of the seller. 货物在风险移转到买方承担后遗失或损坏,买方支付价款的义务并不因此解除,除非这种遗失或损坏是由于卖方的行为或不


  6. cure sb of a disease---治愈某人的疾病---Youll never cure him of his meanness;its in his bones. 你决不可能治好他那小气的毛病,他本性就是如此.

  Treat sb for a disease---治疗某人的病---When I treat a patient for pneumonia.要是我将一个病人作为肺炎患者来治疗.

  A secure life无忧无虑的生活;feel secure about对...感到放心---The organization also says exporters can feel secure about the openness of foreign markets. 并


  7. in case +从句:假使,万一---Take the raincoat in case it rains. 带着雨衣,以防下雨.

  In case of +单词或短语:假使,如果发生,防备---In case of nondelivery, return to the sender. 如无法投递,则归还寄件人.

  In the case of就...而言---This is true in the case of the army and the organization. 以军队和企业来说确实是如此.

  Casualty insurance:灾害保险;on this occasion在这个场合下;on the occasion of值...之际

  8 be cautious of/about表示注意,小心语气比careful强烈;He is cautious of telling secrets.=He is cautious not to tell secrets.

  Caution既是动词也是名词;take caution against:提防;caution sb against doing sth=caution sb not to do sth---警告某人别做某事

  Take precaution against预防---To take severe precaution against smuggling 严防偷漏

  9. hide/conceal sth from sb---He tried to conceal the truth from me.

  10. change sth into sth---将...变成...;change sth for以...换...;

  in exchange for以交换...To give money in exchange for goods or services. 付款为商品或服务而付款

  exchangefor--以...换取...;exchangewith sb for sth和换...

  11. weak character脆弱的性格;winning personality吸引人的个性



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