英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 4-查字典英语网
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英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 4

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  bundant a.大量的,充足的;丰富的,富裕的

  Countries abundant in natural resources should know how to turn this potential advantage into prosperity.那些自然资源丰富的国家应学会如何把这潜在的优势化为实际的繁荣.

  In China,Shanghai may be the city with the most abundant human resources.在中国,上海或许是人力资源丰富的城市.

  Advise vt.劝告,忠告;建议;通知,告知 vi.提供意见,建议

  Yasir Arafats father advised him to go into business, but he was determined to strive all out to construct an indepen- dent state ,for the Palestinians. 亚瑟.阿拉法特的父亲要他从商,可是他却决心为建立独立的巴基斯坦人的国家而奋斗.为巴基斯坦人.

  We wish to advise you that your telephone bill is due tomorrow,after which we will have no chioce but to disconnect you. 特此通知:你的电话帐单明天到期,过期未缴,我们将不得不停机.

  Boring a.令人厌烦的,乏味的,无聊的

  I had expected books on philosophy to be boring, but this one,Sophies World,is fascinating.我原以为哲学书枯燥乏味,谁知道这本《苏菲的世界》却妙趣横生.

  The lecture was boring that we couldnt help yawning.那场讲座真闷,我们都忍不住要打哈欠.

  Clap vt.拍,击 vi./n.拍手,鼓掌

  When Richard Clayderman finished the performance, the whole audience was on their feet and clapped and clapped.理查德.克莱德曼结束演出的时候,观众全体起立,掌声经久不息.

  The coach clapped the new member on the back to suggest his encouragement. ;教练轻轻拍了拍新来的队员的背表示鼓励.

  Conceal vt.隐藏,掩盖,隐瞒

  A teacher should learn to conceal his bad mood when giving lectures.教师应学会在授课的时候掩饰自己的坏心情.

  contribute vi.捐款,做出贡献;有助于,促成,投稿 vt.捐,捐献

  Popular songs and music may be labeled as vulgar, but they contribute to our enjoyment.流行音乐和流行歌曲也许是庸俗的,但它们使得我们更享受生活的乐趣.

  The prestigious professor has said in his will to contribute his collection of books to the local library.那位名教授立下遗嘱,在他死后把他的藏书捐给当地的图书馆.

  Critical a.决定性的,关键性的,危急的

  Life will have significant change at some critical moments, so we should grasp every chance and take every critical decision seriously.人生往往在关键时刻会有重大改变,所以我们要把握好每一个机遇并认真对待每一个重大决定.

  A critical spirit is what a reader should possess to get the most out of anything he reads.一个读者必须具有批判 精神,才会读有所获.

  Deposit vt.使沉淀,使沉积;存放,寄存;储蓄

  Deposit n.定金,押金;存款;沉积物,矿藏

  I left a 10,000-yuan deposit toward the purchase of a Sail.为了买一台赛欧车,我留下1万元人民币的订金.

  Millions of years later, a thick deposit of rich fertile soil has formed in the delta. 数百万年之后,在三角洲地区沉淀了一层厚厚的沃土.

  Distress vt.使痛苦,使悲伤 n.痛苦,悲伤,忧虑;贫困,困苦;危难,不幸

  When the captain found the ship was rapidly sinking, he ordered his men to send out a distress signal.船长发现船在迅速下沉时就命令船员发了遇险信号.

  Two in distress makes sorrow less.同病相怜,同忧相救.

  Due a.应给的,应得的;预定的;应有的,充分的;到期的

  Having worked in the company for over three years, you are due for a pay raise. 你在公司干了3年多了,该升工资了.

  Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences.由于粗心而造成的错误可能会引起严重后果.

  Error n.错误,差错

  Computers can help check spelling errors, so more peoples spelling is getting worse.电脑能帮助检查拼写错误所以越来越多人的拼写能力差了.

  Fault n.缺点,毛病;?过错;故障 vt.找...的缺点,挑剔

  Every man has his faults.人非圣贤,孰能无过.

  When you love a person you should love him/ her for her faults as well as his/her virtues .当你爱一个人时,你爱他 /她的优点,也得爱他/她的缺点.

  Gentle a.和蔼的,温和的;轻柔的,徐缓的;不陡的,坡度小的

  Some girls appear gentle,but you shouldnt take it for granted that they never lose their temper.有些女孩子表面看上去挺温柔,但你千万别以为她们从不发脾气.

  Ideal a.理想的,圆满的;想象的,空想的 n.理想;理想的东西或人

  Leonardo might be an idea lover,but he is too handsome to set a girls mind at rest.列奥纳多也许可以做一个理想的情人,但是他太英俊了,让女孩子放心不下.

  incredible a.不能相信的,不可信的难以置信的,不可思议的

  People around the world cant hold their wonder at the incredible speed at which the Chinese reconstruct their own country.全世界人们无不惊叹中国人民重建其国家 的惊人速度.

  Landscape n.风景,景色;风景画;全景 vt.美化...的景观

  I am crazy about Italian landscapes because they are colorful.我十分迷恋意大利风景画因为它们色彩极为丰富.

  Mercy n.慈悲,仁慈;恩惠,幸运

  I beg your mercy for another chance.求求你大发慈悲再给我一次机会吧.

  multiply v.增加,繁殖;乘,相乘

  When animals have more food,they generally multiply faster.动物如果吃得多,通常繁殖也快.

  If you give the workers proper incentives,efficiency will be multiplied.如果你给予工人适当的激励,可以成倍地提高效率.

  Partner n.配偶,搭档;伙伴,合伙人 vt.做...的搭档

  You are losing Thomas as a friend?失去托马斯的友情吗?

  Didnt I tell you that friends should never be partners in doing business?我不是给你讲过,朋友之间不要合伙做生意吗?

  Persist vi.坚持不懈,执意;持续,继续存在

  On the top of very high mountains snow persists throughout the year.高山顶上,积雪终年不化.

  precise ;a.精确的,准确的;严谨的

  Having won a gold medal in the Olympics,Tao Luna has become famous as one of the worlds most precise sharpshooters.赢得一枚奥运会金牌,陶路娜以世界最准确的神枪手之一而成名.

  Prospect vt.勘探,勘察

  Prospect n.前途,前景;景象,景色;可能成为主顾的人有希望的候选人

  What do you think of the prospect of cyber economy?你对网络经济的前景有何看法?

  An insurance salesman sometimes calls on quite a few prospects but fails to make a sale.保险公司推销员有时访问好几个可能的顾客却一笔生意也做不成.

  Recover vi.恢复,痊愈 vt.寻回,收复;使恢复使健康;挽回,弥补

  Bone marrow transplantation is the most effective way for leukaemia patients to recover. 做骨髓移植是白血病人得以痊愈的最有效的方法.

  restrain vt.阻止,控制;抑制,遏止

  I cant restrain my anger when I hear of people being cruel to animals.当听到有人残酷地对待动物的时候,我就抑制不住愤怒.

  Scarce a.缺乏的,不足的;稀少的,罕见的

  According to a recent study,50 years from now oil will become scarce.据最近的研究,50年后石油将短缺.

  Shield n.防护物,护罩,盾 vt.防护

  In summer people like to wear sun glasses to shield their eyes from the sun.夏天人们爱戴墨镜以使眼睛免遭太阳光照射.

  Succeed vi.成功;接着发生;继承 vt.接在...后面;接替,继承

  As she had no son or daughter to succeed her,the old English lady decided to leave her property to her pet dog. 由于没有子女来继承她的财产,那个英国老太太决定由她心爱的宠物狗来继承财产.

  Treasure n.金银财宝,财富;珍品,珍藏品 vt.珍爱,珍视

  Dreams of finding lost treasures in the ancient riverbed almost came true.在古河床找到失去的财宝的梦想几乎变成了现实.

  variation n.变化,变动;变体,变种;变秦

  British English, American English, Australian English and South African English are the major variations of the English language.英国英语、美国英语、澳洲英语和南非英语是英语的主要变体.

  Worth n.价值 prep.值钱的,相当于...价值的,值得...的

  The true worth of ones friendship is demonstrated when you are in distress.友谊的真正价值体现在你落难时刻.

  Very few places are worth visiting twice in 10 years, but Shanghai is an exception.很少地方值得在10年内去两次,但是上海是个例外.



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