英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 11-查字典英语网
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英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 11

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Acute a.严重的,激烈的;敏锐的;急性的;尖的,锐的

  One of the most acute problems in the Yellow River Valley is an inadequate water supply.黄河流域最紧要的问题之一是缺水.

  The acute renal failurs,or the sudden loss or cessation of kidney function is a common clinical syndrome that can often be life-threatening. 急性肾功能失灵,或者叫做肾功能丧失,是一种常见的临床综合病症,可能危及生命.

  Appliance n.器具,器械,装置

  Household electric appliances made in China are becoming more popular.中国国产家用电器越来越受欢迎.

  companion n.同伴,伴侣,志趣相投的人

  George Bushs brother is not much of a companion for him.乔治.布什的兄弟与他情趣不甚相投.

  Confine vt.限制,使局限;使不外出,禁闭 n.界限,范围

  With cars,many people are now able to enjoy their leisure time by making a trip to the countryside or seaside on weekends instead of being confined to their immediate neighborhoods.有了小车,许多人可以享受闲暇时光周末时可以到乡下或者海边尽情享受而不必局限于在家附近活动.

  The cure of liver cancer is still outside the confines of human knowledge.肝癌的治愈方法仍超出了人类知识范畴.

  Consist vi.组成,构成; 在于,存在于

  The beauty of the artists style consists of its simplicity.这位艺术家的风格上的美在于它的简朴.

  The American Congress consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.美国国会有参议院和众议院组成.

  Deceive vt./vi.欺骗,蒙蔽

  If you smoke and you still dont believe that theres a definite link between smoking and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. 如果你抽烟,并且仍然不相信抽烟和肺癌之间有必然联系,那你肯定是在欺骗自己.

  Sincerity is the base of friendship.Good friends shouldnt deceive each other.真诚是友谊的基础.好朋友之间不应互相欺骗.

  Discard vt.丢弃,抛弃

  Today,one out of five discarded plastic soda bottles is recycled in the United States.在今天的美国,5个被丢弃的塑料汽水瓶中有一个得到回收利用.

  Outdated theory should be discarded.过时的理论应当抛弃.

  Drift vi.漂流,漂;漂泊,流荡 n.漂流物,漂流;趋势,转移;大意,要旨

  Most of the worlds volcanoes are found at the boundaries of the great drifting plates that make up the earths surface.世界上绝大多数火山都位于巨大漂流板块的交接地带构成地球表面的.

  The Arctic is an ocean covered with drifting packed ice and hemmed in by the land masses of Europe, Asia,and North America.北极是一片海洋,为漂流的冰块所覆盖,四周被欧洲,亚洲和北美洲所包围.

  Encourage vt.鼓励,激励,怂恿;赞助,促进,助长

  Nowadays the Chinese government has designed quite a lot of policies to encourage private investment.现在,中国政府已拟订了 许多政策为鼓励私人投资

  Some psychologists believe that those who are encouraged to be independent in childhood are more likely than others to become motivated to achieve. 有些心理学家认为,那些在童年时期被鼓励要独立的孩子与其他孩子比较起来可能被激发做一番成就.

  Exclaim v.呼喊,呼叫;大声说

  When the result came out that Beijing won its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, all the Chinese people exclaimed with excitement.当北京申奥胜出的结果出现时,所有的中国人都激动地欢呼起来.

  Finance n.财政,金融; 财源,资金,财务状况

  Finance vt.为提供资金,为筹措资金

  The government will finance the building of the new roads with the taxes it collects.政府利用它所征得的税收为修建新路提供资金.

  Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers.国家卫生局的资金来自纳税人的税款.

  Are new taxes needed to increase the nations finances?需要征新税以增加国家的 税人吗?

  Gross a.总的,毛的;严重的,显著的;粗俗的,粗野的;臃肿的 vt.获得总收入

  GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. GDP是国内生产总值的缩写.

  Her manners and language are too gross for a lady.她的举止和语言对于女士来说太粗俗了.

  historical a.历史的,史学的

  The British constitu- tion is to a large extent a product of the historical events.英国宪法在很大程度上是历史事件的产物.

  The sequence of historical plays by Shakespeare is still the masterpiece in todays literature.莎士比亚写的一系列历史 剧仍然是名著在当今文坛

  indispensable a.必不可少的,必需的

  Air and water are indispensable to life.空气和水是生命所必需的东西.

  It is well known that knowledge is the indispensable condition for expansion of the mind.众所周知,知识是发展智力的必备 条件.

  Instinct n.本能,直觉;生性,天性

  Struggling for survival is a human instinct.求生是人类的本能.

  Interest n.兴趣,关注,爱好;利息,利率;利益,好处,利害关系 vt.使感兴趣,引起关注

  The interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of the collective.个人利益必须服从集体利益.

  Monitor n.班长;监视器 监听器,显示器 vt.监听,监视;监制

  Stock-market analysts monitor a great variety of financial indicators.股票市场分析家们监视各种各样的金融指数.

  Obey v.服从,听从

  The school regulations should be obeyed at all costs.无论如何也要遵守学校的规章制度.

  particular a.特定的,特别的,特殊的挑剔的,讲究,详尽的 n.详情,细目

  Im not particular about my clothes.I dont mind what I wear.我不怎么讲究我的衣着,不在乎穿什么.

  Perform v.做,履行,完成;演出,表演

  After they have been elected, many senators can not actually perform what they promised in the election.在当选之后许多参议员实际上不能履行他们在竞选时许下诺言.

  Dont perform before me!I want to know the truth.别在我面前演戏了.我要知道事情的真相.

  preliminary a.预备的,初步的 n.初步做法, 起始行为

  For a possible major overhaul, the tutor expects a preliminary draft of each paper two weeks before the final due date. 因为可能要做大规模的检查导师要求交一份论文初 步草稿在距最后期限前两星期前

  They were very excited because they had passed the preliminary interview with IBM. 他们很兴奋,因为他们通过了IBM公司的第一轮面试.

  Protest n.抗议,反对 v.抗议,反对

  Loud protests were heard when the decision was announced .这决定一宣布,抗议之声不绝于耳.

  Guests can protest about the bad service of the restaurant to the owner.顾客可以向老板投诉饭店内的低劣服务.

  Readily ad.乐意的,欣然地;容易地;很快地,立即

  A successful businessman should able to readily accommodate to the changing economic conditions. 一个成功的商人应该能很快地适应变化的经济情况.

  Relevant a.有关的,切题的

  Its said that a persons fate is relevant to his character.据说人的命运与性格有关.

  About 3 million people die because of the relevant diseases derived from smoking every year.每年有300万人死于抽烟有关的疾病.

  resistance n.反抗,抵制;抵抗力,抵抗性;阻力,电阻

  Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that activates disease resistance in neighboring plants. 研究人员发现,感染病毒的植物能够发出一种气体;这种气体能在临近植物中激发疾病抗体.

  The environmentalists put up lots of resistance to furclothing companies.环保认识多次对皮衣公司提出了抗议.

  Rough a.粗糙的,粗暴的;喧闹的;未加工的;汹涌的

  Rough ad.简陋地;粗暴地 vt.草拟 用暴力对待,殴打

  The English gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town.英国的绅士们总是不肯接近城市粗人居住的地区.

  Many people consider boxing a rough sport.许多人认为拳击是一项粗野的运动.

  Satisfy vt.满足,使...满意;符合,达到

  A recent survey suggests that only 24.5% of the Japanese students are fully satisfied with school life,while in the U.S.there are 67.2%.在最近的一次调查中人们发现只有24.5%的日本学生完全满意校园生活而在美国却达67.2%.

  Smash vt.粉碎,打烂;猛击;使破灭,使失败

  Smash vi.粉碎;猛撞,猛冲 n.破碎;猛击;轰动的演出

  If you smash an egg on a stone,the egg will definitely smash.用鸡蛋去撞石头,鸡蛋肯定会撞个粉碎.

  Strengthen vt.加强,巩固,勉励,激励

  The cooperation among countries should be strengthened to protect the environment.国家与国家之间必须加强合作以保护环境.

  subsequent a.随后的,后来的

  Most countries in Europe were in a mess during the period subsequent to World War Two.大部分欧洲国家陷入了窘境二战后的一段时期中,



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