英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 14-查字典英语网
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英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 14

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Attach vt.系,贴,连接;使依恋,使喜爱;认为有;使附属

  Attached please find our offering prices.随函附上我方的报价.

  I am very attached to Leonardo Da Vincis The Last Supper.我很喜欢达芬奇的《最后的晚餐》.

  Compete vi.竞争,比赛

  The two TV broadcasting companies in Hong Kong have always been competing with each other for higher audience rating.香港的两家电视广播公司长期以来为争取更高的收视率而互相竞争.

  Confront vt.迎面遇到,遭遇;勇敢地面对,正视;使对峙,使当面对证

  It is said that the reason for Ruan Lingyus suicide was that she couldnt confront the rumors fabricated by people.据说,阮玲玉之所以自杀是因为她面对不了人们捏造出来的谣言.

  When confronted with evidence of his guilt, McVeigh confessed.面对罪证迈克维供认不讳.

  Consent n.准许,同意,赞同 vi.准许,同意,赞成

  What will do you if your parent dont consent to your marriage?如果你父母不同意你的婚事,你会怎么办?

  consultant n.会诊医生,顾问医生;顾问

  Some university graduates resort to a vocation consultant for a appropriate job.为找到一份合适的工作,有些大学毕业生求教于就业顾问.

  Crude a.粗鲁的,粗俗的;天然的,未加工的;简陋的,粗糙的

  The Da Qing oil field is full of crude oil.大庆油田盛产原油.

  Disguise vt.假扮,化装;伪装;掩 盖,掩饰n.用来伪装的东西伪装,掩饰

  Mulan disguised herself as a man and became a soldier.木兰男扮女装从军.

  Eliminate vt.排除,清除,根除;淘汰

  You really believe that getting drunk can eliminate pain? 你真的认为醉酒能消除痛苦吗?

  We all hoped that China could eliminate the rivals to host the 2008 Olympic Games.我们都希望中国能淘汰其他对手,主办2008年的奥运会.

  Estimate n.估计,估量;评价,看法 vt.估计,估量

  We can measure the value of material goods in terms of money, but the true value of the services is difficult to estimate.我们可以用金钱来度量物质产品的价值, 但是服务的真正价值是很难估计的.

  extraordinary a.不寻常的,特别的,非凡的

  With extraoridinary wisdom,Deng Xiaoping advanced the theory of constructing the socialism with Chinese characteristics.邓小平以非凡的智慧,提出了建设中国特色社会 主义理论.

  Fortune n.财产,大笔的钱;运气,时运,命运

  In the States,the decline in efficiency commonly spoiled the fortune of family firm in the second and third generations after the energetic founders. 在美国,家族公司的财富通常因为效率下滑而受损当其经过富有活力的创业人传到第二代和第三代人 手中时.

  Einstein once said modestly that it was just his good fortune to have his theory accepted by the world.爱因斯坦曾经说,只不过是因为他的运气好,他的理论才为世人所接受.

  Intensity ;n.强烈,剧烈;强度

  Noise intensity around the airport is much higher than elsewhere.飞机场附近的噪音强度要比其他地方大得多.

  Exposure to loud noises can definitely produce a partial or complete loss of hearing ,depending on the intensity and duration of the noise.暴露在强噪音下回造成听力全部或部分丧失,因强度和持续时间而程度不同.

  pessimistic a.悲观主义的

  The earth wont stop because of your pessimistic thoughts. So,cheer up!地球不会因为你的悲观想法而停止转动.所以,打起精神来!

  Egoists are inclined to take a pessimistic view of life.利己主义者往往对生活持悲观态度.

  Prevent vt.预防,防止

  I sometimes set two alarm clocks to prevent myself from getting up late.我有时要两个闹钟以防自己晚起.

  Privilege n.特权,优惠

  One of the obstaches to social harmony is privilege.导致社会不协调的障碍之一是特权.

  Provoke vt.对挑衅,激怒

  All the Chinese people were provoked and burst into rage when the news came that the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed by NATO.全体中国人都被激怒了, 当中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆被北约轰炸的消息传来时.

  Renew v.重新开始,继续; 更新,恢复;延长 有效期

  Remember to renew the books if you cant finish them on time.如果你不能按时读完这些书,记得要去图书馆续借.

  Resolve vt.解决,解答;决定,决意;分解;vi.决定,决意;n.决心

  Many students resolve resolve to study abroad after graduation.许多大学生都决定毕业后出国留学.

  Restore vt.恢复,使回复;修复,整修;归还,交还

  Its hard to restore a broken mirror.破镜难圆.

  I feel quite restored after my holiday.休假后我感到恢复了健康.

  Rival n.竞争对手,敌手; a.竞争的,对抗的 vt.与竞争;比得上

  The poet Homer believed that no mortal could rival Zeus.诗人荷马认为没有凡人能与宙斯匹敌.

  Rude a.粗鲁的,不礼貌的;粗糙的,粗陋的

  Many people look upon American young men as brash,immodest,rude, and possess no proper respect for parents or elder siblings.许多人认为美国的年轻人傲慢,不谦逊,粗鲁,对父母和年长的兄弟姐妹没有适当的尊敬.

  Settle vt.解决,调停;安排,安放;支付,结算;使安定

  Settle vi.安家,安居;飞落,停留;安定

  Please settle your accounts immediately, or we would have to take some legal action.请立即结清你所欠的帐, 否则我们得采取法律行为.

  Some people like to travel around the world rather than settling down when they are young.有些人喜欢在年轻的时候环游世界,而不喜欢过安定的生活.

  sophisticated a.老于世故的,老练的;精密的,复杂的;高雅的,有教养的

  Most politician are very sophisticated.大部分的政客都非常老练.

  The inner system of a spaceship is rather sophisticated.宇宙飞船的内部系统相当精密复杂.

  speculated vi.推测,推断;投机,做投机买卖 vt.推测,推断

  This detective story is boring,because you can speculate the ending in the beginning.这个侦探故事很没意思,因为刚开始看你能推断出它的结局.

  Stretch vi.伸展,延续 vt.拉长,伸展;使倾注全力,使紧张

  Stretch n.一段时间,一段路程,连绵的一片;伸展,延伸,延续

  I stretched to relax after working for a whole day.工作了一整天,我伸了个懒腰放松一下.

  Having been washed,the sweater was stretched out of shape.洗过以后,这件毛衣被拉长变了形.

  Can you work eight hours at a stretch?你能连续工作八小时吗?

  Surplus n.剩余,过剩,盈余 a.过剩的,多余的

  Brazil has a big surplus of coffee.巴西有很多剩余的咖啡.

  Karl Marx initiated the theory of surplus value in 1840. 1840年,卡尔.马克思首先提出了他的剩余价值的理论.

  Sweep v.扫,打扫,拂掠过, 吹,冲;快速移动;

  Sweep 迅速传播打扫,挥动

  After Chinas entry to WTO,foreign-made cars and consumer electronics are likely to sweep into the domestic market.在中国入世之后,外国产 汽车和电子消费品可能会扫荡国内市场.

  Many bridges were swept away by the flood.洪水冲断了很多桥梁.

  Sympathy n.同情,同情心;支持,赞同

  We should have sympathy for people in difficulty.我们对处于困境中的人们要有同情心.

  sympathetic a.同情的,体谅的赞同地,支持的;和谐的合意的

  I feel sympathetic to my friend who is suffering.我对遭到不幸的朋友十分同情.

  We work best in a sympathetic atmosphere.我们在一种和谐的气氛中工作效率最佳.

  Tackle vt.对付,处理;与交涉;阻截,擒抱

  Tackle n.阻截;用具,钓具;轱辘,滑车

  The police spent a long time tacking the hacker who ruined the network.警方花了很长时间对付那个毁坏了电脑网络的黑客

  People with strong social ties appear better able to tackle major life changes and daily hassles.拥有密切社会关系的人们似乎能够更好地应付生活的重大变化和日常困难.



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