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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. grahic还有生动的意思

  2. given有两个形容词意思,和一个副词意思

  within the given time---规定的

  He is given to drinking heavily.---有癖好的,有倾向的----这个时候given后面加doing或者sth

  Given their experience, they have done a good job.

  Be given to sth,有...的癖好,有的倾向

  Endow sb with sth,赋予,向...捐钱

  Ramon had managed to endow the figurine with a primitive beauty.

  endow this university

  be endowed with有...的特指,被赋予...

  He was endowed with the power of acute observation.

  3. glare at sb怒目,瞪眼,a gleam of hope一线希望,All that glitters is not gold.闪光的未必都是金子.

  4. as well as后的动词形式应根据前一个主语来决定,因为A as well as B,A做主题,B只是跟从

  not only but also却要跟后一个主语

  may as well +do---还不如,不妨 We may as well go.我们还是走吧

  for the better好转,向好的方向发展---Everything is changing for the bettr.

  eGet the better of战胜,在...中占上风---Ill get the better of him some day. You always get the better of me at chess. 你下国际象棋总是赢我

  Get the best of 战胜,make the best of 充分利用,妥善处理

  5. be grateful to sb for sth感激某人某事---Im grateful to you for your kindness.

  Express sbs gratitude---I wish to express my gratitude to you for your kindness.

  6. graduate at/from +school---graduate at/from Harvard.

  Graduate in major---graduate in medicine

  7. school program教学大纲,the TV program电视节目

  8. grope for摸索---其过去式和过去分词都是groped

  grope for the right answer , grope for the door-handle, light-switch, etc

  9. protectagainst/from保护...使不受,safeguard...against保护...免遭

  regard as=lookon...as把...看做,regard做动词还有respect的意思,regard的复数regards做名词,意思是敬意问候

  I consider him that he is foolish=I consider him a fool.

  They regarded him as foolish=They regarded him as a fool.

  Regardless是一个副词 regardless of=disregarding-----regardless of danger

  As regards=regarding=with/in regard to都是介词

  Ward off--- He managed to ward off the blow.

  He was awarded the first the first prize for being the fastest runner.

  Award sb a medal---接双宾语,reward sb for sth---因...奖赏某人,reward sb with sth---用...酬劳某人

  10. lead/guide sb in doing sth---引导某人做某事,under the leadership/guidance of---在...领导下

  11. guilt是名词,guilty看起来是名词形式,但其实却是一个形容词

  guilty for/about---对...内疚,guilty of犯...罪

  I felt guilty for leaving without saying good-bye.

  He was found guilty of robbery.不过百密总 有一疏,大家不要怪它啦.

  12. inhabit是及物动词,主要用来描述动物或者一大群人的居住,live是不及物动词,所以要加in

  live in a city, inhabit a city

  13. a handy book手头的书,a handy tool方便的工具

  I could hardly catch/grasp/apprehend his meaning.



  14. hang做吊,悬挂的意思时,过去式过去分词都是hung;做吊死,绞死的意思时,都是hanged

  hang on=hinge on=depend on---Your success hinges on your decision.

  15. do harm to---对...有害;no harm in doing---Theres no harm in trying once more.

  16. hate有两个意思,一个是讨厌,用法和like一样,hate to do表示偶然讨厌做某事,hate doing表示一向讨厌做某事

  hate表示不愿意的时候,有hate to do和hate that

  I hate him to leave.

  I hate that he leave.


  Have a hatred for sb,have a hatred at sth.



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