Abnormal a.反常的,异常的
EL Nino has resulted in the abnormal weather in many parts of the world.厄尔尼诺现象已经导致了世界很多地区的气候反常.
amplity vt.放大,增强;扩大,详述,进一步阐述
The radio signal can be amplified.无线电的信号可以放大.
Can you amplify your statement so that we will understand the overall problem?你能否对你的说法进一步说明以使我们理解整个问题.
Bewilder vt.使迷惑,使难住
Benny looked around,a bewildered expression on his face.本尼东张西望,脸上尽是 迷茫的表情.
The twists and turns in the cave soon bewildered us.蜿蜒弯曲的洞穴使我们很快便失去了方向.
commentary n.实况报道,解说词;评论,评论文章
Stop shouting!I cant hear Huang Jianxiangs commentary about the football match.别吵了,我都听不清黄建翔对这场球赛的解说了.
Most housewives never show a slight interest in political commentary.大多数家庭主妇对于政治评论没有一丁点兴趣.
Concise a.简明的,简要的
Your comment is quite concise and to the point.你的评论简明扼要,一语中的.
contaminate vt.弄脏,污染
The water that we have to drink and the air we have to breathe every day have been badly contaminated.我们每天必须饮用的水,每天必须呼吸的空气,遭到严重的污染.
Defy vt.违抗,藐视;使成为不可能;挑,激
The tabloid in England defies the censure of some people and keeps on publishing the Page 3 Girl- a picture of a pretty, scantily clad young woman each day.英国的这家小报不顾一些人的指责, 继续刊登第三版女郎--即每天在第三版刊登一幅着装性感的摩登女郎的玉照.
Diminish vi.变少,变小,降低vt.减少,降低
Time will never cause our love to diminish.时光不会使我们的爱情稍减分毫.
With the popularity of TV,the number of movie viewers has diminished sharply.随着电视的普及,电影观众的数量成逐年下降的趋势.
Duplicate n.完全一样的东西,复制品a.完全一样的,复制的 vt.复制,复印;重复
This research merely duplicates work already done elsewhere .这项研究仅仅是重复别人已经做过的工作.
Is this a duplicate or the original?这是复制件还是原件?
entrepreneur n.企业家
Born into a poor family,Li Jiacheng had endured many hardships imaginable before he finally became a famous entrepreneur.李嘉成生于蓬门荜户,不知吃了多少苦李嘉成才
extravagant a.奢侈的,铺张的;过度的,过分的;放肆的
Its quite extravagant for a student to spend 2,000 yuan on a dress.花两千元买一套衣服对于一个学生来说也太奢侈了.
Most inexperienced young persons tend to hold extravagant hopes for the future.大多数未经世事的年轻人都对未来抱有奢望.
Foster vt.收养,养育;培养,促进 a.收养的,收养孩子的
People who cannot have a baby of their own sometimes foster a child.不能生育的人有时收养别人的孩子.
The Summit Sessions held in Shanghai can foster better relations and cooperation between the six countries.在上海举行的峰会会大大促进六国之间的友好关系与合作.
Immerse vt.使浸没;使沉浸在,使专心于
The naughty boy immensed himself in the water for quite a while, which frightened his parents a great deal.顽皮的男孩长时间地将整个身子浸没在水下,把他的父母吓个半死.
Nowadays in a world full of material desires ,very few men can immense themselves completely in research work in a true sense.在当今物欲横流的世界里有几个人能够真正潜心研究学问.
Hoist vt.举起,升起,吊起 n.起重设备;升起,举起,吊起
The child was quite interested in watching the sailors hoisting the cargo onto the ship.小孩饶有兴致地看着水手们将货物吊到轮船上去.
infectious a.传染的,有传染性的;有感染力的
Mind you! Hepatitis is a highly infectious type of disease that can be passed on in the food.千万当心!肝炎是一种可以通过食物传染且传染性极强的疾病.
Her infections laughter filled the room.房间里充满了她那有感染力的笑声.
Intent n.意图,意向,目的 a.专心的,专注的急切的
Dont reproach her any more.Anyway,she seemed to behave foolishly but with good intent.别再责备她了,虽说她的行为是有些鲁莽,但她的出发点是好的.
Judging from what she has been doing after taking power,it seems that the President is intent on stirring up trouble throughout the world.从这位总统上台后的所作所为不难看出,他似乎是想把这个世界搞得乱七八糟.
jeopardize vt.危及,损害
As a businessman, you must do everything to avoid jeopardizing your fortune by making bad investments.作为商人,你应该千方百计地避免因投资不当而损失一大笔钱.
manipulate vt.操纵,控制,影响;操作,使用
Qiong Yao made thousands of readers and audience, especially the female,crazy for her plaintive and touching novels and TV plays by manipulating her characters and plots to create interest. 琼瑶迷倒了千千万万的读者和观众,他们被她哀婉动人的小说和电视剧陶醉,她通过巧妙地处理人物和情节来激发兴趣.
Nasty a.令人讨厌的,令人厌恶的;难弄的,困难的;a.严重的,恶劣的,险恶的 下流的,道德败坏的
I had intended to take her as my wife,but her nasty habits her nasty mind,in addition to her nasty temper made me change my mind.我原想娶她为妻,然而她身上的恶习、卑鄙肮脏的思想加上她火暴的脾气,这一切都使我改变了主意.
orientation n.方向,目标,方位;熟悉情况,适应,情况介绍
The winding trail caused the hikers to lose their orientation.弯弯曲曲的小径使使徒步旅行者迷失了方向.
Our school has an orientation towards practical skills.我们学校着重使用技术的教学.
This is the orientation week for all the freshmen.本周是专门让大一新生熟悉情况的.
patrolvt.在 巡逻,巡查 n.巡逻,巡查;巡逻兵;巡逻队
The waters here are patrolled by the enemy mariners day and night .敌人的潜艇日日夜夜都在这一带海域巡逻.
The army intensified its patrol along the frontier.军队加强了边境的巡逻.
Preclude vt.阻止,排除,妨碍
The suicide note precluded the possibility of murder.那封绝命书排除了他杀的可能性.
Probe n.探针,探测器;探索,调查 v.探索;查究;探索,探测
Its impolite to probe too deeply into a ladys peronal affairs.对女士的私事刨根究底是不礼貌的.
The police have launched a probe into the suspected drug dealing.警方已对这起涉嫌毒品交易的案子展开了调查.
Radiant a.容光焕发的,喜形于色的;光芒四射的,光辉灿烂的
This is a radiant morning.The brides hands are radiant with rings.这是一个阳光明媚的早晨,新娘子双手的戒指光彩夺目.
She is radiant with joy.她满脸是华光照人的幸福状.
Radiate vt.发出,辐射;流露,显示
There was a tenderness that radiated from her that touched and ached me.从她的身上我可以感受到她辐射出的柔情,让我感动,让我心痛.
Reproach vt.责备,批评
You have got nothing to reproach yourself, for the society should be responsible for it.你不要自责了,社会才应该对此负责.
Scrap vt.废弃,抛弃 n.碎片,碎屑;残羹冷饭;少量,点滴
He wrote down his adress and telephone number on a scrap of paper.他将他的地址和电话号码写在一个小纸头上.
There was not a single scrap of evidence to connect him with the murder of the Nepalese King.没有一丁点证据表明他与尼泊尔国王的遇刺有任何牵扯.
Startle vt.使吃惊,使惊吓
The murder of the Nepalese King startled the whole world.尼泊尔国王遇刺身亡让全世界感到震惊.
Suppress vt.压制,镇压;禁止发表查禁;抑制,忍住;阻止的生长
The revolt was ruthlessly suppressed by the military.叛乱被军队无情地镇压下去了.
The Pentagon attempted to suppress documents connected with the case.五角大楼试图阻止将与此案有关的文件公诸于世.
Warehouse n.仓库,货栈
A warehouse is a building for storing large quantities of goods.货仓就是用于储存大量货物的建筑物.