initiate into使入门六级高频词组详解第11讲-查字典英语网
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initiate into使入门六级高频词组详解第11讲

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. initiate into使入门,使初步了解,接纳,让...加入

  The book initiates us into the customs in Africa.

  They initiated me into the sports club.

  The initial stage of an undertaking---事业创办时期

  To initiate an undertaking---创办一项事业

  Take the initiative --- Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making acquaintances.

  Do sth on ones own initiative---主动做某事

  2. a period of transition---过渡时期;China in transition转变中的中国

  in transit在运输中,在途中,transit是名词或形容词,名词意思是转运,运输,形容词是中转的,过境的,并非动词

  3. in retrospect回想起来,事后看起来---In retrospect all successful policies seem preordained.

  A job with good prospect很有前途的工作

  4. be expert in/at---be expert in /at driving a car; an expert in/at mathematics数学专家;an expert on skin disease皮肤病专家

  5. experiment既是动词也是名词;experiment on用...做试验---experiment on frogs用青蛙做实验;experiment with试验...---experiment with medicinal herbs试验草药

  6. be faced with面临...;face:应付困难

  In the face of:在...前面,不顾,即使---She exhibited no fear in the face of danger.

  Superficial knowledge肤浅的知识

  7. manufacture首先是一个动词,然后可以做名词意思是制造,制造业---the steel manufacture,其复数形式表示制造品,产品silk manufactures丝织品

  8. effect是一个名词;the effect of A on B;side effect药物的副作用;the cause and effect of the matter问题的因果关系;come/go into effect; bring/carrybrutinto effect

  Smoking affects your health.

  Smoking has an effect on your health.

  The effect of smoking on your health.

  Effective有效的,生效的---be effective against对抵抗...有效,efficient效率高的,有能力的

  Be deficient in缺少...---Water is deficient in the desert.沙漠里缺水

  Be proficient in对...熟练精通---be proficient in driving ; proficiency in


  For the benefit of为...的利益---We all chipped in for the benefit of the orphans.

  Benefit做动词有益于时是一个及物动词---The new highway will benefit the village people.

  Benefit做动词受益时是一个不及物动词后面要加from,by---The village people will benefit from the new highway.

  9. succeed in sth; fail sth

  10. 成为牺牲品---fall a victim注意不要加into

  11. offspring单复同形

  12. be famous for以...出名He is famous for his learning.

  Come to/achieve fame成名;world-wide fame

  13. Fancy有名词,动词,形容词等多种形式----a fancy tie一条别致的领带,fancy diving花样跳水;fancy做名词爱好,喜爱,迷恋时只用单数take a fancy to---But the

  fact is that we have been so fascinated by him as to take a fancy to him.

  Fancy在做动词时和imagine一样,都要加动名词---I cant fancy/imagine his telling a lie.

  14. further除了做形容词,副词外,还可以做动词---further the cause of peace:增进和平

  15. as sure as fate必定;go to ones fate送死;a fateful decision关系重大的决定

  16. find fault--- Indeed, it is hard to find fault with most of the items on the good governance agenda.

  In default of缺少---He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt.;He was silent in default of any excuse.

  17. favor有两个形容词favorable有利的,赞成的,有帮助的;favorite喜爱的或喜爱的人或物

  John is a great favorite with his grandmother.

  The weather is favorable for our voyage.

  He received a favorable reply to his application.

  18. fear既是动词也是名词;for fear /that---He didnt answer for fear of hurting her.; He walked fast for fear that he should be late.查出来的例句that后面多用


  fearful和afraid一样后面多用of doing

  19. feel like +doing想要---I dont feel like eating now.

  20. finding的复数findings表一调查的结果后面的动词也用复数The findings show that he is guilty.

  21. finish doing

  22. confineto/within是局限于,限制---After all, home is not confined within the walls of ones own flat.




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