Lose one’s head慌乱六级高频词组详解第13讲-查字典英语网
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Lose one’s head慌乱六级高频词组详解第13讲

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. lose ones head慌乱,仓皇失措

  What had the cop said to make him angry enough to lose his head?

  It was just not like him to lose his head over a pretty face!

  2. headache和其他ache不同,可以做可数名词使用.

  3. heal a quarrel/disagreement

  4. on the whole总的来说,大体上On the whole the weather is not bad.

  Wholesome意思是 有益于健康的,the wholesome food=the healthy food

  5. hear a case审讯案件

  hear about/of听说,听到

  No, I didnt hear anything about that.

  I have often hear about you. 久仰, 久仰.

  Hear from收到...的信

  Hear sb do sth听到某人做... hear sb doing sth听到某人在做


  6. cant/couldnt help + do/but +do禁不住,忍不住

  7. cultural heritage文化遗产,her inherent modesty她天生的谦虚,an inherent property of matter物质的固有特征

  8. history有两个形容词,一个是historic意思是历史上著名的,另一个是historical意思是历史上的

  9. uphold ones opinion 赞成他的意见

  withholdfrom doing抑制,不让...做,withholdfrom sb不把...告知或给予

  I couldnt withhold myself from laughing.

  Youd better withhold the truth from them.

  10. a hell on earth人间地狱

  give sb hell使人受不了

  11. be at home in精通,熟练 He is at home in English.

  12. be honest with sb---He is always honest with me.

  In honor of为向...表示敬意,为庆祝,为纪念,A farewell party was held in honor of the ambassador.

  On ones honor---On my honor ,it is true.

  Honorable conduct光明磊落的行为

  13. cherish the hope抱有希望 cherish the hope of winning an Olympic medal

  hope for,hopeful of,hopeless of

  14. a hot temper急脾气

  heat有动词和名词形式,但是没有形容词形式,其形容词是heated----a hot/heated debate.

  The debate with much heat激烈的辩论,in the heat of a debate在辩论最激烈的时候

  15. act as host at担任...的主任---没查到这个例句

  the city chosen as host for the Olympic games.这个城市被选为举办奥运会的主办国

  be hostile to sb/sth对人/物有恶意----星火提到了sb,实际查找的例句中也有sth

  He is hostile to reform. 他对变革持敌对态度.

  16. household expense家庭费用

  17. To err is human.犯错人之常情,humane人道的,仁慈的,treat people with humanity仁慈待人

  18. bump against/into--- She bump against the table and send the crockery crashing to the grind. 她碰到了桌子,把杯子、盘子都撞碎在地上了

  19. hungry, hunger后面都加for sth

  20. a government bond国家公债,为可数名词

  be bound to do=be sure to----You are bound to succeed.

  Be bound for准备前往,在前往途中---Where are you bound for.

  21. at the idea of=at the thought of一想到

  I was horrified at the idea of having to give a speech in front of so many people.

  Have no idea of/that 对...一点也不知道

  Establish high ideals 树立崇高的理想,ideal weather理想的天气

  22. identify oneself with 与...打成一片,到...中去.He identify himself with the masses.

  Identify as----The dead body was identified as the missing pilot.

  Identical=the very same

  Good will is identical with friendship.

  在be similar to, be the same as, be identical with/to中,identical相似程度最高,表示完全相同.

  23. ill will恶意,ill fortune不幸,ill treatment恶劣的待遇

  sick of厌烦

  24. imagine +doing, imagine是一个动词,其有三个形容词,imaginable,imaginary,imaginative

  The best radio imaginable.再好没有的收音机

  An imaginary character in tale 故事里的虚构人物

  An imaginative artist富有想象力的作家

  25. go to extremes走极端--- She tends to go to extremes. 她这个人比较偏激.



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